GmailJames(Me) <>

African Adinkra Symbols & Translation

James(Me) <>Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 10:19 AM
To: sammie f*******<**************************>, Derrick Lewis <>, Joy B******** <********************>
The subject title of this email is [ African Adinkra Symbols
& Translation

About the symbol that is being incorporated into my home.
and how this applies....

First off, about using this symbol to communicate instead of using written or spoken

Tuesday, 22 November 2011


If anyone ever thought that mass communication is alien to Africa and Ghana in particular then the person must rethink. There were some communication systems in Africa before the introduction of modern media and writing skills. One of such system was non verbal form of communication through the use of symbols, objectifies, signals among others. The then Indigenous African communication system were cheaper and offered both the rich and the poor, the educated and uneducated a means of communicating using symbols and signals. Thus non verbal communication offered an egalitarian platform for all and sundry.
The Egyptian hieroglyphics is one of the oldest writing techniques from which modern forms of writing originated. It is a form of communication using pictures and symbols. The Adinkra symbols of the Akan peoples of Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire is another form of symbol communication.
Adinkra symbols have a very unique history which can be traced back to the 19th century.


How and Why the name of my place room is called:

Awesome Kramobone

Kramo Bone: Adinkra Symbol of Warning Against Deception and Hypocracy
Glows and Blows

Kramo Bone: Adinkra Symbol of Warning Against Deception and HypocracyKramo BoneThe bad make it difficult for the good to be noticed.Warning Against Deception and Hypocrisy

How this symbol is used in a different play room home is found here:

Welcome to the online home of House Kramo Bone

It is always nice to begin at the beginning so let’s start with what “Kramo Bone” means. Kramo Bone comes from the Andinkra symbol language and translates to “the bad Mohammedan makes it difficult for a good one to be recognized” or “one being bad makes all appear to be bad.” It is a warning against hypocrisy.

This symbol has many layers of meaning for Todd. He choose this as the first man-made image he altered his skin with when he had it branded into the right side of his chest. Years later, he had a tattoo of it placed on the left side of his chest. He grew up in the angst ridden years of the early punk DIY movement and took hold of the notion of being true to yourself without hypocrisy then. He has carried that throughout his life and holds this standard in highest regard.

Our house is built on the notion that no one is unacceptable so long as he or she is willing to be true to themselves and respectful of those around them. Our door is always open to all walks of kinky life – het, gay, lesbian, queer, gender-fucked, trans, Top, bottom, Dom, sub, Master, and slave all are equally accepted.


Thank you for reading.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James(Me) <>
Date: Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 8:04 AM
Subject: African Adinkra Symbols & Translation

African Adinkra Symbols
& Translation

Symbol Akan Translation Literal Meaning Symbolic Meaning Proverb
Aban Fence Strength and Authority
Abe Dua: Adinkra Symbol of Wealth, Self-Sufficiency, Vitality Abe Dua Palm Tree Wealth, Self-Sufficiency, Vitality Nipa nye abe dua na ne ho ahyia ne ho; The human being is not like the palm that is selfsufficient.

Nnua nyinaa bewu agya abe; All trees will wither safe the palm tree.
Adikrahene Dua: Adinkra Symbol of Greatness, Royalty Adikrahene Dua Adinkra King Stamp Greatness, Royalty
Adinkrahene: Adinkra Symbol of Greatness, Royalty Adinkrahene Adinkra King. Chief of all the Adinkra designs; Forms the basis of Adinkra printing Greatness, Royalty
Adwera: Adinkra Symbol of Purity, Sanctity, Chastity, Good Fortune, Consecration, Cleanliness Adwera Watery Shrub Purity, Sanctity, Chastity, Good Fortune, Consecration, Cleanliness Adwera nsuo, wo ne nkwansuo, nsu korogyenn a wohuru nso wonhye; Water of life, you are the pure crystal clean water that boils but, does not burn.
Adwo: Adinkra Symbol of Peace, Calmness Adwo Peace Peace, Calmness Ohene nya ahontenafo pa a, ne bere so dwo; When the king has good counselors, then he will have a peaceful reign.
Agyinduwura: Adinkra Symbol of Faithfulness, Alertness, Dutifulness Agyinduwura Faithfulness, Alertness, Dutifulness
Akoben: Adinkra Symbol of Vigilance, Call to Arms, Readiness and Preparedness for action of battle. Akoben War Horn; The sound of Akoben is a battle cry. Vigilance, Call to arms, Readiness and Preparedness for action or battle.
Akofena: Symboil of Courage, Valor Akofena Sword of War Courage, Valor
Akokonan: Adinkra Symbol of Parenthood, Care, Tenderness, Protection, Mercy, Nurturing, Parental Discipline Akokonan The Leg of a Hen Parenthood, Care, Tenderness, Protection, Mercy, Nurturing, Parental Discipline Akoko nan tia ba, na ennkum no; The hen treads upon its chicks but it does not intend to kill them.
Akoma: Adinkra Symbol of Patience, Tolerance, Love and Faithfulness Akoma The Heart Patience, Tolerance, Love and Faithfulness Nya Akoma; Take heart.
Akoma Ntoso: Adinkra Symbol of Understanding, Agreement, Unity Akoma Ntoso Linked Hearts Understanding, Agreement, Unity
Ananse Ntontan: Adinkra Symbol of Wisdom, Creativity Ananse Ntontan Spider Web Wisdom, Creativity
Ani Bere: Adinkra Symbol of Diligence, Perseverance Ani Bere Seriousness Diligence, Perseverance Ani bere a, nso gya, anka mani abere koo; Seriousness does not show fiery eyes, else you would see my face all red.
Asase Ye Duru: Adinkra Symbol of Divinity of Mother Earth, Providence, Power, Authority, Wealth, Might Asase Ye Duru The Earth has Weight Divinity of Mother Earth, Providence, Power, Authority, Wealth, Might Tumi nyina ne asase; All power emanates from the earth.

Asase ye duru sen epo; The earth is heavier than the sea
Aya: Adinkra Symbol of Defiance, Endurance, Resourcefulness Aya The Fern Defiance, Endurance, Resourcefulness
Bese Saka: Adinkra Symbol of Affluence, Abundance, Unity Bese Saka Sack of Cola Nuts Affluence, Abundance, Unity
Bi Nnka Bi: Adinkra Symbol of Peace, Harmony, Caution Against Strife and Provocation Bi Nnka Bi Bite Not One Another Peace, Harmony, Caution Against Strife and Provocation
Biribi Wo Soro: Adinkra Symbol of Hope Biribi Wo Soro There is som---ing in the Heavens Hope Nyame, biribi wo soro, na ma embeka me nsa; God, there is som---ing in heaven, let it get to me
Boa Me Na Me Boa Wo: Adinkra Symbol of Interdependence, Cooperation Boa Me Na Me Boa Wo Help Me to Help You Interdependence, Cooperation
Dame Dame: Adinkra Symbol of Intelligence, Ingenuity Dame Dame A Board Game Intelligence, Ingenuity
Denkyem: Adinkra Symbol of Adaptability Denkyem Crocodile Adaptability
Dono: Adinkra Symbol of Praise Dono Drum Praise
Duafe: Adinkra Symbol of Beauty, Hygiene, Feminine Qualities Duafe Wooden Comb Beauty, Hygiene, Feminine Qualities
Dwannimmen: Adinkra Symbol of Concealment, Humility and Strength, Wisdom and Learning Dwannimmen Ram's Horn Concealment, Humility and Strength, Wisdom and Learning Dwannini ye asisie a, ode n'akorana na...; It is the heart and not the horns that leads a ram to bully.
Eban: Adinkra Symbol of Love, Safety, Security Eban Fence Love, Safety, Security
Epa: Adinkra Symbol of Slavery, Equality, Law and Justice Epa Handcuffs Slavery, Equality, Law and Justice
Ese Ne Tekrema: Adinkra Symbol of Frienship, Interdependence, Strength in Unity Ese Ne Tekrema The Teeth and the Tongue Friendship, Interdependence, Strength in Unity
Fafanto: Adinkra Symbol of Tenderness, Gentleness Fafanto Tenderness, Gentleness
Fawohudie: Adinkra Symbol of Freedom, Liberty Fawohudie Freedom Freedom, Liberty
Fihankra: Adinkra Symbol of Safety, Security Fihankra House Safety, Security
Fofo: Symbol od Jealousy, Envy Fofo A Yellow-Flowered Plant Jealousy, Envy
Funtumfunafu Denkyem Funafu: Adinkra Symbol of Democracy, Unity in Diversity Funtumfunafu Denkyem Funafu Siamese Crocodiles Democracy, Unity in Diversity
Gye Nyame: Adinkra Symbol of Supremacy of God, Omnipotence and Immortality of God Gye Nyame Except for God Supremacy of God, Omnipotence and Immortality of God
Hwemudua: Adinkra Symbol of Excellence, Superior Quality Hwemudua Excellence, Superior Quality
Hye Won Hye: Adinkra Symbol of Imperishability, Endless, Forgiveness, Toughness Hye Won Hye That Which Cannot Be Burnt Imperishability, Endless, Forgiveness, Toughness Hye wonnhye; He who burns be not burned.
Kae Me: Adinkra Symbol of Loyalty, Faithfulness Kae Me Remember Me Loyalty, Faithfulness
Kete Pa: Adinkra Symbol of Good Marriage, Love, Faithfulness Kete Pa Good Bed Good Marriage, Love, Faithfulness
Kintinkantan: Adinkra Symbol of Arrogance, Extravagance Kintinkantan Puffed Up Extravagance Arrogance, Extravagance
Kojo Baiden: Adinkra Symbol of Cosmos, Omnipresence Kojo Baiden Rays Cosmos, Omnipresence
Kontire Ne Akwamu: Adinkra Symbol of Reliance, Democracy Kontire Ne Akwamu State Elders Reliance, Democracy One head does not make up council.
Krado: Adinkra Symbol of The Court's Authority Krado Seal of Law and Order The Court's Authority
Kramo Bone: Adinkra Symbol of Warning Against Deception and Hypocracy Kramo Bone The bad make it difficult for the good to be noticed. Warning Against Deception and Hypocrisy
Kuntinkantan: Adinkra Symbol of Modesty Kuntinkantan Do not boast. Do not be filled with pride. Need for Humility and Service, Modesty
Kwatakye Atiko: Adinkra Symbol of Valour, Bravery, Leadership Kwatakye Atiko Hair of the Hero Kwatakye Valor, Bravery, Leadership
Mako Mako
Mate Masie: Adinkra Symbol of Knowledge, Wisdom Mate Masie I have heard and kept it Knowledge, Wisdom Nyansa bun mu ne mate masie; Deep wisdom comes out of listening and keeping what is heard.
Me Ware Wo: Adinkra Symbol of Commitment Me Ware Wo I Shall Marry You Commitment
Mframadan: Adinkra Symbol of Fortitude, Preparedness Mframadan Wind-Resistant House Fortitude, Preparedness
Mmere Dane: Adinkra Symbol of Change, Life's Dynamics Mmere Dane Time Changes Change, Life's Dynamics
Mmomudwan: Adinkra Symbol of Unity, Togetherness Mmomudwan Unity Unity, Togetherness
Mmra Krado: Adinkra Symbol of the Court's Authority, Law and Order Mmra Krado Seal of Law and Order The Court's Authority, Law and Order
Mmusuyidee: Adinkra Symbol of Good Fortune, Sanctity, Spiritual Strength Mmusuyidee That which removes ill luck or evil Good Fortune, Sanctity, Spiritual Strength
Mpatapo: Adinkra Symbol of Reconciliation, Peacemaking Mpatapo Knot of Reconciliation Reconciliation, Peacemaking
Mpuannum: Adinkra Symbol of Skillfullness, Priestly Office, Loyalty, Adroitness Mpuannum Five Tufts of Hair Skillfulness, Priestly Office, Loyalty, Adroitness
Nkonsonkonson: Adinkra Symbol of Unity, Human Relations Nkonsonkonson Chain Links Unity, Human Relations
Nea Onnim No Sua A Ohu: Adinkra Symbol of Knowledge Nea Onnim No Sua A Ohu He who does not know can know from Learning Knowledge
Nea Ope Se Nkrofoo Ye Ma Wo No, Ye Saa Ara Ma Won: Adinkra Symbol of Justice Nea Ope Se Nkrofoo Ye Ma Wo No, Ye Saa Ara Ma Won Do to others the things you want them to do to for you. Justice Nea ope se nkrofoo ye ma wo no, ye saa ara ma won; Do unto others what you want others to do unto you.
Nea Ope Se Obedi Hene: Adinkra Symbol of Leadership Nea Ope Se Obedi Hene He Who Wants to be King Leadership
Nkontim: Adinkra Symbol of Loyalty, Service Nkontim Hair of the Queen's Servant Loyalty, Service
Nkuma Kese: Adinkra Symbol of Supremacy, Superiority Nkuma Kese The Great Okra Supremacy, Superiority
Nkyimu: Adinkra Symbol of Skillfulness, Precision Nkyimu The crossed divisions made on Adinkra cloth before printing Skillfulness, Precision
Nkyinkyim: Adinkra Symbol of Initiative, Toughness, Adaptability, Resoluteness Nkyinkyim Zigzag, Twisting Initiative, Toughness, Adaptability, Resoluteness Obra kwan ye nkyinkyimiie; Life's path is full of ups and downs; twists and turns.
Nnonnowa: Adinkra Symbol of Valour, Strength Nnonnowa Double Drum Valor, Strength
Nsaa: Adinkra Symbol of Excellence, Genuineness, Authenticity Nsaa Type of hand-woven cloth Excellence, Genuineness, Authenticity Nea onnim nsaa oto n'ago; He who does not know authentic Nsaa will buy the fakes.
Nserewa: Adinkra Symbol of Wealth, Abundance, Affluence Nserewa Wealth, Abundance, Affluence
Nsoromma: Adinkra Symbol of Guardianship Nsoromma Child of the Heavens Guardianship
Nya Abotere: Adinkra Symbol of Patience, Calmness Nya Abotere Be Patient Patience, Calmness
Nyame Akruma: Adinkra Symbol of Stealth, Righteous Might Nyame Akruma God's Axe Stealth, Righteous Might
Nyame Biribi Wo Soro: Adinkra Symbol of Hope Nyame Biribi Wo Soro God is in the Heavens Hope
Nyame Dua: Adinkra Symbol of God's Presence, Protection Nyame Dua Altar of God God's Presence, Protection
Nyame Nnwu Na Mawu: Adinkra Symbol of Life after Death Nyame Nnwu Na Mawu God never dies, therefore I cannot die Life after Death
Nyame Nti: Adinkra Symbol of Faith and Trust in God Nyame Nti By God's Grace Faith and Trust in God Nyame nti mi nnwe wura; By God's grace, I will not eat leaves to survive.
Nyame Ye Ohene: Adinkra Symbol of the Majesty and Supremacy of God Nyame Ye Ohene God is King Majesty and Supremacy of God
Nyansapo: Adinkra Symbol of Wisdom, Ingenuity, Intelligence, Patience Nyansapo Wisdom Knot Wisdom, Ingenuity, Intelligence, Patience
Odo Nyera Fie Kwan: Adinkra Symbol of Power of Love, Faithfulness Odo Nyera Fie Kwan Love never loses its way home Power of Love, Faithfulness
Ohene Adwa: Adinkra Symbol of State, Chieftaincy Ohen Adwae The King's Stool State, Chieftaincy
Ohene: Adinkra Symbol of Wisdom Ohene King Wisdom
Ohene Aniwa: Adinkra Symbol of Beauty, Vigilance Ohene Aniwa King's Eye Beauty, Vigilance
Ohene Tuo: Adinkra Symbol of Greatness Ohene Tuo The King's Gun Greatness
Okodee Mmowere: Adinkra Symbol of Bravery, Strength, Unity Okodee Mmowere Eagle's Talons Bravery, Strength, Unity
Okuafo Pa: Adinkra Symbol of Hardwork, Entrepreneurship, Industry, Productivity Okuafo Pa Good Farmer Hardwork, Entrepreneurship, Industry, Productivity Okuafoo pa ne obi a oye nsiyefoo, ono na ose : w'afuo so a, woye ne nyinaa; The good and industrious farmer says: No matter how big your farm is you tend it all.
Onyakopon Adom Nti Biribiara Beye Yie: Adinkra Symbol of Hope, Providence, Faith Onyakopon Adom Nti Biribiara Beye Yie By God's grace, all will be well Hope, Providence, Faith
Onyakopon Aniwa: Adinkra Symbol of Omnipresence of God Onyakopon Aniwa God's Eye Omnipresence of God Onyakopon aniwa hu asumu asem biara; God's eye seees al secrets
Onyakopon Ne Yen Ntena: Adinkra Symbol of God's Presence and Protection Onyakopon Ne Yen Ntena May God be with Us God's Presence and Protection
Osidan: Adinkra Symbol of Creativity Osidan The Builder Creativity
Osram: Adinkra Symbol of Patience and Understanding Osram The Moon Patience and Understanding Osram mmfiti preko nntwareman; It takes the moon some time to go round the earth.
Osram Ne Nsoromma: Adinkra Symbol of Love, Faithfulness, Fondness Osram Ne Nsoromma The Moon and the Star Love, Faithfulness, Fondness
Owo Foro Adobe: Adinkra Symbol of Steadfastness, Prudence, Diligence, Performing the Impossible Owo Foro Adobe Snake Climbing the Palm Tree Steadfastness, Prudence, Diligence, Performing the Impossible
Owuo Atwedee: Adinkra Symbol of Death, Mortal nature of man, Fate Owuo Atwedee Ladder of Death Death, Mortal nature of man, Fate Owu atwedee obaako nforo; All men shall climb the ladder of death.
Owuo Kum Nyame: Adinkra Symbol of Invincibility of Death, Power of God to Overcome Death Owuo Kum Nyame Death Killed God Invincibility of Death, Power of God to Overcome Death Nyame boo owuo na owuo kum Nyame; na Nyame na ote nanka aduro nti odii owuo so nkonim; God created death and death killed God, yet the Eternal One also created the antidote to the venom of death, and God, therefore, overcame death.
Pa Gya: Adinkra Symbol of War Pa Gya Striking of Fire War
Mmomudwan: Adinkra Symbol of Unity, Togetherness Pempamsie Sew in Readiness Readiness, Steadfastness, Strength and Unity Pempamsie se, bebebre ahooden ne koroye; That which will not overcome
Sankofa: Adinkra Symbol of Wisdom, Using past experiences to build the future Sankofa Learning From the Past Wisdom, Using past experiences to build the future Se wo were fin a wo sankofa a yennkyi; It is not a taboo to return to fetch som---ing you forgot earlier on.
Sepow: Adinkra Symbol of Justice Sepow Knife Justice
Sesa Woruban: Adinkra Symbol of Transformation, A New Beginning Sesa Woruban Ghange your Life Transformation, A New Beginning
Sunsum: Adinkra Symbol of Spirituality, Purity, Everlasting Sunsum The Soul Spirituality, Purity, Everlasting
Tabon: Adinkra Symbol of Courage, Hard Work Tabon Paddle Courage, Hard Work
Tamfo Bebre: Adinkra Symbol of Jealousy Tamfo Bebre The Enemy Shall Suffer Jealousy
Tumi Te Se Kosua: Adinkra Symbol of the Delicacy of Political Power, Fragility of Democracy, Restraint Tumi Te Se Kosua Power is like an Egg Delicacy of Political Power, Fragility of Democracy, Restraint Tumi te se kosua, woso mu den a, epae; na se woanso mu yie nso a, efiri wo nsa bo famu ma epae; Power is as fragile as an egg, when held too tightly it may break; but if held too loosely, it may fall.
Tuo Ne Akofena: Adinkra Symbol of Power, Responsibility, Authority, Legitimacy, National Security and Protection, Military Prowess Tuo Ne Akofena Gun and State Sword Power, Responsibility, Authority, Legitimacy, National Security and Protection, Military Prowess
Wawa Aba: Adinkra Symbol of Skillfulness Wawa Aba Seed of the Wawa Tree Skillfulness
Wo Nsa Da Mu A: Adinkra Symbol of Democracy, Pluralism Wo Nsa Da Mu A If you have your hands in the dish Democracy, Pluralism Wo nsa da mu a, wonni nnya wo; If your hands are in the dish, people do not eat everything and leave you nothing.
Wuforo Dua Pa A: Adinkra Symbol of Support, Cooperation, Encouragement Wuforo Dua Pa A When You Climb a Good Tree Support, Cooperation, Encouragement Wuforo dua pa a na ye pia wo; He who climbs a good tree is encouraged/supported.