GmailJames(Me) <>

LISTENED : why did you ask me about your bracelet?
4 messages

James(Me) <>Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 12:56 AM
To: Derrick Blu Guy <>

THIS MUSIC WAS PLAYING.... when you seemed to be extremely annoyed with me.

I put my phone on "Music Mode" on the cause aND thus my action because you kept.disrespecting my statement and needed request to Not Play Streaming video over mobile data.  But still you kept visiting video site page after page. I'll take your broswing history and build you a list.

WHAT VERY much I want to share to you now is OhKindSir ( Google it ]


Are you listening to my pleas of resident need
here to understand me and not continue the silence
to OUTCAST me away into invalid useless junk?


I am more that junk I promise you.

This is the hurt that is in your representative's care.
I have not been heard -- and it has been sent. 

Please SIR I BEG YOU, Please Understand me.



Oh Kind Sir Derrick :

Please read my words written May 2006 in full from the Wikiworld site.

If I leave you tonight in tears over what "Correction" or words you are going to say me about MY WAY of being here while Rob visits and you play in the other room.  I will be going home.


James(Me) <>Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 12:59 AM
To: Derrick Blu Guy <> '' this security mobile app and virus scanner has Phone Locator feature. BUMMER  you lost your phone.

[Quoted text hidden]

James(Me) <>Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 1:02 AM
To: Derrick Blu Guy <>

Btw I have several Boot Mobile Phone Device that are not smart phones.  I think Boost Mobile is in the area if for whatever reason you need a working cell phoNE now.

[Quoted text hidden]

James(Me) <>Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 8:28 AM
To: Derrick Lewis <>, Derrick Lewis <>
    Thank you much Oh Kind Sir Derrick for being
     fresh with me.

     You [ Derrick ] To me [ James ]
     [ paraphrased here ]

    Come on Man, I lost my phone so let the porn video play dude.
    Show me some love and just let me have my way now here
    in my home space we are  sharing right now. You \are making
    way too much of it.  You are trifling about som---ing not
    important to me --- It is all about me [ derrick ] wanting my
    way over you're needing it your way or else you take away
    my little play toy, your phone, away from me.  I must not
    be listening to you --- when even you said this was such a
    big deal that me playing these videos on your phone was
    causing you such a state of offense that you said you were
    going to leave and go home. 

   Me [ James ] to you [ Derrick ]:

   Well, you made me have to be rude in your home to you,
    you made me have to call you and complain about what
    do were doing.  You continued to make me have to
    take away my phone from you, as you were being
    childish over your "joy toy", of som---ing in fact that
    is 100% mine and not yours to respectfully use.

    And well, you made me have to leave instead of just
    being a man about it and understanding me and my
    needs over your selfishness desires to play a video
    --- play a video --- play a video -- play a video.

   How many videos did you play over the night?
  There is browser history that I can pull off my interconnected
   accounts on Firefox --- for they are Synch to my computer.

   Computer Device Name [ LivingLifeFree ]

   Mobile Device Name [ Gruwup - UsUnitePeace ]

   The history of it --- I can eventually accept and offer
   forgiveness over it all --- but it is not about
   saying your sorry and then doing it again.

   It is actually about living each moment we exist and
   share, fun and fuck with these Words To Live By.

   [ relevant excerpts here ]:

To chase thy gloom,
Go fix some weighty truth;
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe;
Be just in all things; make amends
For follies past, and, with warm heart,
Forgive, and be forgiven.

 Let work not words
Thy virtue prove.

Go act as well as prate,
And then thy counsels will be strong,
Thy reprimands avail. ???ANON

Reprimand Avai here, is ISSUED by the CC: in the valid addressing of this email message to you.   ****

This explains what is image attached to this email.


This is a set of images related to our sharing time at your place yesterday into this morning. 

In Particular... The lottery scratcher tickets I said that I was going to share "Winnings" with you.

ONLY IF --- You actually read my email --- that I put in your view on my phone so that you could read it --- while I went to the store to purchase cleanser and some plastic bags from 7-11 --- to chill out.

Boy dude, it may be your place -- -but IN ALL SACRED MATTERS

   " I did good here", as I stated to you upon my exit.

"There is absolutely nothing that I did that was "wrong" or "disrespecting your home" -- as you said

  Be unnoticeable in all my ways and actions at 2am
for you don't want to be a beacon of chaos that is noticeable
by your neighbors or those around.

Well, I say, YOU SHUT everything to notice me calling for you to acknowledge and be aware of you own responsible disrespect that you were constantly directing and offending me right in moments of the sharing night that you REFUSED to acknowledge or notice me.  Become an unnoticeable.  Notice Me!   

The scratchers here  --- have been bar code scanned on my phone for winners. The result of the scan shows there are winners --- but the actual winnings in hidden from view.  Do you want to share in these winnings or not?

Also, I have left one item -- -which is real important -- my white phone charger -- that the plug on it works most every time when other plugs with other cords may not on my phone.  I need my white phone cord charger returned to me. So, I will be stopping by later to obtain that.

If you really are headstrong to be a monster --- well the monster in you has BROKEN US and the monster in you has LOST your GRUW UP way. Be Gruw Up With me, not just Grown up... but Gruw up.

    Great Reasons Us [ Derrick and James ] Will Unite Peace  2015

I will be printing this email to you --- and hand delivering into your home -- so that these thoughts and concerns on mine are actually delivered.

I cannot force you to read an email --- but you cannot force yourself to "disregard" and ignore what I was telling you about my phone and it's mobile data plan. 

Your position was --- it told this to me twice after I took the phone away from you.

    Even that last time, when you knew that pressing the video play button on that page, you hesitated to click a video play and then continued to scroll down the page.  You knew, I was not going to be agreeable to it --- but your the one TESTING ME and boundaries when after you scrolled down, you did in fact press the video play button and a video started.

      Video - "Moving Images"

      There was no longer a preview still image of the video but
      the video was moving in play mode. 

      Who and What The Fuck Do You Think You Are To Me?

      I am calling you out on this BULLSHIT DUDE.

      Get Real --- You continued to offend me in this request and demand I made upon my phone ---  For that dude --- I call you Fucked Up!

      You are the one who is Fucked Up, Not I.

      NO EXCUSES DUDE --- You absolutely had to honor and respect on me dude.  For that dude, you SUCK REAL BIG TIME.  I am not making or blowing it out of proportions.

    Man, my bf's Verizon Bill Each Month is over $300 for all 5 of us on the plan.  I pay my portion of the bill... but mobile data overages are WAY TO FUCKING EXPENSIVE to let go -- for your fucked up need to watch a porn moving image on my phone display --- to get you off on bullshit --- YOU WOULD NOT JUST LEAVE ONLINE STREAMING VIDEO OUT OF THE SHARING connection --- dude you lost me to give me any good solid honorable reason why I should not have taken your "porn toy" away from you --- you acting like a child in this --- I took your toy away and you had a complete distressed malicious tantrum to call into MONSTER words,

      about shoving another human being trough a plate glass window in
      the moment --- as though you were attempting to relate directly upon
      me - you capable of such violent outbursts -- I should be careful

     I am treading on or in your way --- in your home --- as though your
     home does not need a bit of "tender loving care, TLC"   for which
     I have put much effort to your enjoyments of TV, some basic supplies
     of towels and such and now today I got you some thing to wash
    out that tub.  I did not take a photo of that.... but you actually

     Took a "cleansing bath" in that build up muck?  

     How dare you claim any spiritual practice of being sacred to your
     home --- and sacred to your body.  Dude, take a little bit of time
    each day and DO YOUR CLEAN UP CHORES.  

     You are disgusting me --- by your being obstinate
      to "just relax and enjoy the moment for what it was" and allow me
      in to your world to offer you goodness and kindness and healing
      energy  in what I was  doing for you --- You wanted some thing
      over than som---ing I am --- I am myself at all times -- and will
      not bend to you malicious or unintentional offense --- even if you
      apologize once , twice, or 50 times for the same exact habit you
      could not control in your mind. 

adjective: obstinate
  1. stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.
    • (of an unwelcome phenomenon or situation) very difficult to change or overcome.
      "the obstinate problem of unemployment"

    I am sorry that you can't ACCEPT ME -- AS I AM -- -FOR I WILL ONLY 
    BE MYSELF --- at all times.

  And if you want me to be som---ing different, for whatever it is..... you can't have me ever again --- for do not play "mind fuck" games of you attempting to maniuplate me into  doing som---ing of perhaps major consequence of harm upon me or my relationship by forcing us to occur financial penaltiy of even one red cent over it --- that in fact WE WOULD HAVE TO COME UP WITH THE MONIES that you consumed from us on my mobile phone during this time we shared.   And if that money was
not at our means to make up the loss that you forced us to incurr -- our service may get interrupted.


 When that happens, are you going to be the one who I could call and lean on to reimburse the overage charges ---- WHEN IT WAS A WASTE OF BANDWIDTH for the moment.?

 Would you be the one to compensate us for our losses?

OR -- you think I should just accept your home and way as a matter of unconditional respect to not make a noise or challenge to scold you for this nonsense bullshit.  Time after time after time?

You are @MuckedUpHuman ---  A more friendlier way of saying you're the one who fucked it all up.

    Note the valid email address used in the CC: here in this addressing
    this email message to you.  It is only a temporary state of Reprimand
   "It is better to be fucked up human than dumbed down ignorant"

    PLEASE Read this entire meail complete.

    PLEASE REPLY to me....


     Why was it so damned important
     for you to continue to offend my request and into demands
     of you --- over and over --- throughout the day and night
     we were actually having other good fun playing and fucking?

    Explain it to me dude. 

   of folly in these circumstances. 

   This means, a very thoughtful caring reply is justly deserved from you
   to me..... or we may not see ourselves being anything of free to share
   again ever more.

   I another words,

    I may never ever ever ever want to play again with you
     under your house rules --- of nonsense over intelligence.

Thank you.

You may find these words --- rambling on --- for why I am in this mode dude -- is because you HURT ME TO this level --- HURT ME you have --- and HURT ME AGAIN you WILL NEVER GET YOUR CHANCE.

Monster me up some fun loving cum --- in solace of an understanding of exactly who I am -- the human being soul behind the fuck hole and sucking mouth hole you wanted to place around your cock.

Thank you much Oh Kind Sir Derrick

Btw, the videos that I recorded on my phone of you are absolutely your property -- of copyright --- and right of control. I will take the video files and share them on Google Drive and Google Documents --- and also deliver the Video Files on a flash drive for you to keep sake and save.

If you lose it before we can make them pop and be gorgeous to the world --- then you can always get them from Google Drive [ The Cloud ]  again --- even if we are bitter broken up enemies not finding a true real up human gruw up understanding between us.    [ My UCS profile link ]:

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Sir James(Me)


USA 94621
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Vision Statement:
Email subscription: Yes
Faith: Wicca/Shamanism
Relationship status: Single
UCS Member since: 10/10/2005
Last login: 3/22/2009
Last update: 3/13/2009

Personal Introduction

In The Mindway :

It's the pathway the mind travels that is so sacred. We are all sharing together so free without hatred. There are no limits to stop us so no reason to quit. The universe of happiness & it's discovery is out there;

Let's get on it it's our trip.

We know it exists today because so many of us have personally experience it and speak about it with face to face language. We have it, but it has an unusual characteristic that provides no means of a historical chronicle should it decay to ruins. It is silent to our ears; no audio recording can exist. It is invisable to our eyes; no photographs can be taken. Can't touch it, no smell or taste. It does exist and what exists around our world usually follows either natural effects of time decay and withering away by accidental or hostile acts of destruction. Should it disappear it will be lost.

- An Individual Human Thought-
Monday, October 14th, 1996 07:48PM PT
The Birth of "In The Mindway"


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