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Urban Dictionary <>Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 8:26 AM

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James Driskill
3260 Grande Vista
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Real Up Human [.net] <>Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 10:29 AM
To: The Mouse Trap - <>
Cc: Deacon Steve Serembe <>, "Timothy @RealUpHuman Kyle Ashley" <>, "#Timothy.Earl.Marable : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0003 Awesome!" <>,, Trish Do Dish <>,

Search Results

Web results

Sep 6, 2016 - I guarantee that PROTEST of my actions one more time -- from community source leaderships and espiecially Mr. Johnson and this is the ...
You visited this page on 3/11/20.
Oct 17, 2018 - REF: SHAKESPEARE "THE MOUSE TRAP". 09-06-2016 - Gmail - The Mouse-trap. Mice or Men.html. YOU ARE A COWARD TO ALLOW ...

Attorney Prince,

I have ordered a special gift for you --- A Coffee Mug from Urbandictionary.

Accept This Gift Graciously and Accept The Defeat that you have been BESTED by an SBHS class 1883-1983 Classmate ---- The Phoenix Program.

If your ignore mode continues this INSOLENCE INSULT onto my INTELLIGENCE SIR, as I stated, my intentions to remove this informational quarantine that you all have placed against me --- DANGEROUS for you TO CONTINUE ---- no matter what kind of Justification you have been TOLD --- MY LIFE PRESENCE, MY STANDING PRESENT and ACCOUNTED FOR ---- to rise up to this --- has been DRASTICALLY RUINED by ---- THESE CAUSE FACTORS --- A Personal Injury Suit --- a challenge for you to wrap your head around --- I have been placed into a continuous dysfunctional forced direction persecution factors in an 15-year perceptual perpetual state of homelessness.  I am not the only one -- I just have the balls to challenge the notion that you have any moral standing left --- to treat me so badly, so rotten in this town, my hometown, and the roots to which both of us GREW UP.  I own -- Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace ----  I DEMAND TO CONFRONT THESE MATTERS --- THE WORDS THAT ARE SPOKEN OF FROM POPE FRANCIS CALL TO OUR NATION IN FRONT OF CONGRESS IN SEPT 2015 ---- WITH EVERYONE IN THIS FUCKED UP HUMAN TOWN REMORSE OOZING FROM YOUR SOULS TO THE MINDFUL PRESENCE AND BEGGING MY MERCY AND FORGIVENESS for this RATHER WASTE of Digital Spaces that could indeed be used for better runs of need than to break a conspiracy that you all defend to your dying BREATH.

Don't bother to try to excuse your part in this away ---- FUCK YOU ALL HATERS!


1 definition by the IE prince
To press the decline (or ignore) button on your cell phone thus rejecting an incomming phone call even when it's after 9, a weekend or you aint doing something THAT important.
Extra points if you're basil-ing some one who considers you a friend, your pal is in great need or you're doing it while the person is watching from a distance.
1)In da hood
guy1: yo what's hood son? did t-mack call you, he said you and him was gon' talk 'bout some bidness
guy2: yea nicca, he did call but i basil'd his ass
guy1: word?
guy2: brrrrrrr

2)Somewhere in the fine county of England
guy1: Well good evening sir, fancy some tea?
guy2: yes indeed, mate, do you mind if I include Sir Taylor in our gathering?
guy1: No, but I reckon he will basil you
guy2: brrrrrr
#reject #decline #ignore #give the brush off #fuck off
by the IE prince October 08, 2005


Is that your Definition?  If not, what a majestic confluence to place this end game too.  

If you do not comply with my demands, I promise you upon my exit of this country, your reputation as a fair, just, and happy go lucky attorney will be dust.  Let's not make this war --- let's take the truth as I best with deductive reasoning gather and STOP THE FUCKING HATING ON ME for being me, myself, and I --- STOP THE FUCKING HATERS and you begin the right direction to STOP THE MOTHER ASS TIGHT CLAW GRIP OF VIOLENCE that is at the ROOT CAUSE of #MassShootings ----

I know what the fuck I am talking about Mr. Prince.  If you were to follow my work around the net, know my writing sound, and actually give a flying fuck about me somehow to #DoSomething right for a fucking change, you would rationalize I have ONE HELLA GREAT CLAIM OF PERSONAL INJURY and I CAN PROVE beyond the preponderance of the evidence the source, the motivations, and the collusion that are maintained here to keep this deep dark seeded secret.  Do you have a conflict of interest that I should be aware of --- if not ---


Perhaps you know my direct street neighbor to this house of Grande Vista, Kathy and Steve?  He is a catholic attorney, he won't involve himself to honor POPE FRANCIS or the DISINTERESTEDNESS of CHRIST'S SYMPATHY --- what devil has taken your sanity to do this to me and the community members persons living with HIV to JUSTIFY YOUR SILENCE from this point ---- IT IS ALL OPEN, ALL PUBLIC, ALL RAW, and MOST ALL DARK DEEDS -- or as I am not the I in this --- you will have to make that call out to your "I guy"..... and still you won't win the public nightmare that is just about to begin.....


"Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap"

Dirty Deeds
If you're havin' trouble with the high school head
He's givin' you the blues
You want to graduate but not in 'is bed
Here's what you gotta do
Pick up the phone
I'm always home
Call me any time
Just ring
36 24 36 hey
I lead a life of crime
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap
You got problems in your life of love
You got a broken heart
He's double dealin' with your best friend
That's when the teardrops start, fella
Pick up the phone
I'm here alone
Or make a social call
Come right in
Forget about him
We'll have ourselves a ball
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap
If you got a lady and you want her gone
But you ain't got the guts
She keeps naggin' at you night and day
Enough to drive ya nuts
Pick up the phone
Leave her alone
It's time you made a stand
For a fee
I'm happy to be
Your back door man
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap yeah
Dirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap
Concrete shoes, cyanide, TNT
Done dirt cheap
Neckties, contracts, high voltage
Done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds
Do anything you wanna do
Done dirty cheap
Dirty deeds
Dirty deeds
Dirty deeds
Done dirt cheap
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Angus Young / Malcolm Young / Ronald Belford Scott
Dirty Deeds lyrics © BMG Rights Management


Attorney Prince,


The Following Moniker will be ADDED to CYBERDEINES HERE:      [ Valid URL as we Speak -- Serves Root Directory Contents ]

Jul 11, 2014 - He was an incredibly inspiring fucked-up human being who had profoundly ... As the Master dangles from the cliff, two mice – one white and one black ... But now I see it's too late, we have baited our trap with fossil fuels & now ...


The choice is only ours to make. There are so many other fulfilling ways of looking at our last days on earth than just mourning what we now consider to be inevitable. The life we have now is limited, let us be done with the stigma of suicide and see it as the most likely solution for avoiding needless suffering and start to see it as the sacred act it’s always been.

With that said, let us revel in the peace that Ruppert has now found and truly respect the choice that he made. He was an incredibly inspiring fucked-up human being who had profoundly touched more than his share of lives in any one lifetime. He strove to make this world a better place. Yes, he failed, but then again, so did we.

Let others hold onto the bitter end for whatever reason they feel they must, it makes no difference either way. We’re all just living with different stories in our heads as we circle eternity, where some of us just gravitate towards those here, who share a common unbearable insight and take what solace can be found in the digital commiseration that remains.

We few here, the stragglers on the beach of doom have been washed up like the sand and plastic itself, these days aren’t the headwaters of past generations, as with all things, they have long passed us by. We can’t pretend to live as if the day matters, while living in fear of the financial destitution and death that await. Exercise the stigma of suicide so as to embrace the quietude of the resignation that comes to fill the void, and get on with truly living in the phenomenal time left us.


Going Dark was reviewed recently by Anne Pyterek at Blue Bus Books. Check it out here.

[Quoted text hidden]

Real Up Human [.net] <>Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 12:59 PM
To: The Mouse Trap - <>
Cc: Deacon Steve Serembe <>, "Timothy @RealUpHuman Kyle Ashley" <>, "#Timothy.Earl.Marable : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0003 Awesome!" <>,, Trish Do Dish <>,

You may want to EXAMINE EXTREMELY CLOSELY [ Forensically ] This HTTP Served Page from my Internet Domain Storage Memespace Container:



BASE URL:'d%20-%20Order%20%2327487%20confirmed.htm


The Domain Namespace Moniker :

[ ]

WILL DIRECT THE USER REQUEST to this Introduction Layout Page


Counsel for Doctor Eric Tomoni Shigeno in fraudulent motives to file a HARASSMENT and THREATS Claim-- see:

See Also: [ Content TopMost Matches in Google Name Search ] [ Content TOPMOST Matches in Google Name Search ]

Google Search [ Sergeant Lanier Rogers ]

Return Matches to these Source Folder and File Links:

W h e n  Y o u  H a v e  W r a p p e d  Y o u r  H e a d  A r o u n d  T h e  T e c h n o l o g y  A t  Y o u r  D o o r S t e p

This "tech spec" is active at my internet domain spaces for almost a full 15 long years -- the technology that you are interceding with ---

COULD I? -- SHOULD I?  and WOULD I?   DARE DO I?  Of course MUST I - ACTIVE I - Memetically Active

See:  OhKindSir
 [ On Soundcloud / Wikiworld ]

intercede into a communication channel and "Lasso rope" someone out of their comfortable standing of isolation --- LASSO ROPE them into a binding knot presence that THEY MUST engage in The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But The Truth, The Absolute Truth, The Absolute Real Up Human Truth, and if there can be such a thing, which I believe that there can be.....

The Absolute, Real Up Human, Moral Truth.

To understand this, you would have to expose yourself to the academia standard that is found in the pages of

Source Paper: [ ]

One of the chapters is titled:

Can Computers Be Moral Agents?

Well, can they?

A tool of peace, trust building, and trust binding, a trust ladder of logistics of informational theory......

Google Books Search

[ "In The Mindway" ] - Note My Facebook MemberID


friday, april 30, 1999

In The Mindway

It's the pathway the mind travels that is so sacred.
We are all sharing together so free without hatred.
There are no limits to stop us so no reason to quit.
The universe of happiness & it's discovery is out there;

Let's get on it it's our trip.

posted by martin james driskill
at 12:01 am


Second Line #Fails -- Without Hatred must be, I demand this standard as directed by the United Nations that Hatred Effects Everyone So Fighting It MUST BE THE JOB for EVERYONE....

Everyone includes you Attorney Former Classmate SBHS Alumni Timothy Prince, that you know me, you know I am smarter than you, and in this level of informational theory scientically active design here --

A PEACE MODEL that can OUT WRONG and RESTORE TRUTH --- TRUTH AFFIRMING and DISHONESTY CONFRONTING --- as each of these are made into corrective means in our cultures and society -- our way out of unstoppable channelization of destructive forced memes that -- if you understand it ---

is actually given a pathway of digital working change in social beliefs.


The question here is

Do you believe the world is still flat or do you believe the world is round?   You may just be a current day science denier and answer this idiotically
as you believe the world is flat.  Sorry, that answer is absurd and you need to go back to school.  Actually reprogram yourself to why you believe
such a thing, [ learn some critical thinking skills ], even if you have to start again at 1st grade. This time you go through school and you actually
pay fucking attention!  When you come out of that process, again answer this question based on truth.


Persons that hold FALSE BELIEFS held by whatever REVERENT STRUCTURE of STANDING and that UNTRUTH POINT OF VIEW TRUTH holds as logically not subjective proven to be THIS NEW WAY and those who do not accept these truths,  REPROGRAMMING and REEDUCATION should be STATE MANDATED against any AGE of HUMAN BEING PERSONS that hold these FALSE TRUTHS that actually CAUSE HARM upon other HUMANS!  
[Quoted text hidden]

timothy ashley <>Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 5:52 PM
To: "Real Up Human [.net]" <>
Maybe you could help out around the house you know , the air ducts needs to be looked after Maybe you can get maybe you can get a hold to write so that they come and actually fix whatever they're supposed to be fixing they need to blow out the vents make sure that they're all connected properly and then they can go if they're supposed to be doing the maintenance otherwise the money has been wasted.
[Quoted text hidden]

T Prince <>Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 5:05 PM
To: "Real Up Human [.net]" <>
Cc: Deacon Steve Serembe <>, "Timothy @RealUpHuman Kyle Ashley" <>, "#Timothy.Earl.Marable : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0003 Awesome!" <>,, Trish Do Dish <>,
Mr. Driskill:

You have continued over a period of months to make repeated, uninvited and unwelcome attempts to communicate with me through multiple means including email, facsimile, Internet and otherwise.  Your communications make threats and demands which you have no right to make, and they are designed to harass, annoy and intimidate me.

You are hereby requested to CEASE and DESIST all communications, attempts to contact, threaten and/or annoy the undersigned and all persons affiliated with me or related to me for the purposes of contacting, communicating with, threatening or annoying me or them.  You are requested to cease and desist making or maintaining false allegations online or otherwise of my participation in an alleged conspiracy to harm you or others.  You are further requested to stay at least 100 feet away from me, my place of employment and all property I own.  Failure to comply with all these requests will constitute further evidence and intent to harass, threaten and annoy me and will serve as the basis for all appropriate criminal and civil remedies.

I wish you well, but the unwelcome communications, threats and harassment must cease immediately.

Timothy P. Prince, Esq.
Tomlinson & Prince, L.L.P.
255 North D Street, Suite 401
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 66
San Bernardino, CA 92402
(909) 888-1000

[Quoted text hidden]

Real Up Human [.net] <>Sun, Mar 29, 2020 at 12:18 PM
To: The Mouse Trap - <>,

Make it plain and knowing, my communications are not meant to harass --- as though progressively you have been actually not paying attention.

By your continued silence, gives the consent to proceed in any fashion what so ever.

That is a standard of ideals set into motion by Plato.

 -- I proceed lightly at each stage of this.

You and I have a history together -- as San Bernardino High School Class 1983 Alumni.

For that connection of common bond, is the reasoning I am using to connect to you.   

But your failure to see this connection is your fault,

and the outcomes to that fault are expressed --- in a way that is fatal to not form understanding.  Not fatal for you, perhaps fatal to me,

but for sure fatal to the national order of our collective body.

To a degree that it is mentally unsettling over a period of months to months to see a person on the other end of a tool such as was used, Facebook Messenger, to attempt to bond to a former classmate Alumni.  As the following "Seen/Read" timestamp point of conversation indicator shows me you are present in this conversation ---  as you carried on in a manner silent to knowing what following refers to -- kicking the read can down the conversation without reading.

There was no complaint -  Once again "Your Silence Gives Consent",

no command of detachment issued until now.   If you take the body of the written words into full perspectives, you might not have such a position.

So processing that reality, you have absolutely no standing complaint about the duration period of my communications. 

Sorry, your positions of argument lost by the reality of the circumstances.

The escalation of statements in this -- and the methods to which I have reached out -- was to induce a response from you -- 

the function to which worked --- and now I have your maladjusted cultural norm response --- to cap onto the words directed

into your view.

Perhaps you will consider this --- collective --- published work -- and that I do not appreciate the deafening tone
of your arrangements to commit an order upon me and the matters to which I have attempted to relate to you and the need for us as a community to form
a community affairs understanding meeting about the level of hatred that is holding here --- attacking me by #GangStalking tactics.

Your response here only goes to show --- your concern for community affairs not on your agenda --- is a concern you have 

no time to actually discuss it -- your time allows for the conditions I know are true --- you are a part of this conspiracy of hate

and that my dearest is a conclusive deductive reasoned fact based on your unprofessionalism onto this matter and the 

the reaction you have to write such an ignorant ass statement to me -- at first glance -- I bid you farewell and best wishes at your 

reach ---

Good day.

Taking the fact there is a video post on youTube profoundly addressing the opposite of your response position here,

Attorney Timothy Peter Prince - #Kramobone @Pontifex Victim's Demand to #StopGangStalking - MFTFBSHE

Mar 28, 2020

You will become over time the laughing stock of San Bernardino to carry the position you issued to me -- in light view of this video presentation.
The Video Post STANDS PUBLISHED and you will have to find a time in court to a debate of ethics to remove it, dude.

This matter deserves public scrutiny --- a public forum of reprimand for the positions of unnatural states of 

dysfunctional arrangements that will not break to then be able to carry on a community affairs presentation of the truth. 

You can't and won't have that conversation with me.  If there would be some normalization of communications between me and the community
at large -- there would be nothing but functional progress of a resolution to address needs beyond mine itself.

The fax notion I was breaking the violations of a restraining order with my former HIV Doctor --- who processed this

same silent communication no response treatment -- and my progressive escalating need to receive a response of 

responsibility for these concerns.



a gotcha cease and desist letter ---when the ignorance prevails and the civility is disoriented upside down,

and of civil society does not function properly to oblige the UNITED NATIONS decrees on who should be present

to be on my side to FIGHT HATE in the COMMUNITY --- all of your arguments you claim you hold here---

ARE NULLIFIED by your actions of silence speak louder than any other cause --- all my findings in these

matters carefully weighed as being the truth--- already set into motion of published status.

I have no HIV DOCTOR Mr. Prince --- a stalemate --- for my doctor who proceeds to block me by filing order,

He can't carry on an honest relationship with me --- and none of the setup I see of reality documented --- holds the 

paradigm of trust in view of my doctor/patient relationship future-forward without a community affairs understanding

and that is your all fault -- not mine to the attempts at dealing with this and making honest assessments of 

what has, is, and continues to be a conspiracy exposed that the hidden motives of the players in this, to include you,

to a fatal game of bluff.  As in poke and I do in fact hold the valued hand, globally.

I promise you Mr. Prince, a former classmate of San Bernardino High School class 1983,

 I am not bluffing,  Where legal necessity applies here --- if civility cannot hold, civil society collapsed to 

bring this matter forward into a community affairs view -- there is something so ill working here.

I am going to the United Nations even if that is a call for my rights to be upheld here,

from when I am jailed for my act to violate something of legal necessity, the lesser of two evils argument,

to a degree, that complaint of a restraining order should never have been filed in the first place--- 

Please don't bury yourself in more of that shit

you spew into justifying writing such a decree of order upon me,

You are only slaves to your predictability, 

I do not even have the respect of your role here, to sign a document respectfully yours truly,

So I leave you to know - I will not accept any more private communications from you --please go

to the public formats of all things public and make any statement you wish to discuss publicly.

But you will remain silent -- as though you have to take the 5th ---an imbalanced format

the foundation of a house of cards -- ready to collapse and take you all down--- sorry but you give

me nothing but knowing you're a part of a conspiracy --- and the matter to which I will proceed

to define the "search console" informational property defines in Google for

informational warfare to compel those in this conspiracy to reveal their role and

to tell the truth to the public at large. The define is legal and you can't do any of legal filing

about it.

I demand my rights --


Your conspiracy turns into my need to leave this country -- a betrayal you are a part of defending.


already valid:   The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword, Mr. Prince.

I can hear the newscasts already in the headlines of events that are set into motion to transpire,m

OBJECT [ ] former San Bernardino High Classmate,

James Martin Drksill resident of San Bernardino CA 

Left The Country of the United States of Amerca for reasons of conspiracy unbreakable

There can be no peace -- no justice / no peace - 

 --- When Can That Be arranged?   When can that be arranged to leave this country and your wake

of a public unrested -- you human right here and now have made your choice --- 

you can have this fucked up human mess you all created.

I WANT OUT OF THIS COUNTRY NOW!  When can that ber arrange?

[ unsigned ]

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Real Up Human [.net] <>Sun, Mar 29, 2020 at 9:50 PM
To: timothy ashley <>
Cc: The Mouse Trap - <>,, Deacon Steve Serembe <>, "Doctor Mubashir, Doctor In Charge Of The Mental Health of Patient James Martin Driskill" <>
[ Ths witten to my best ability tonight -- I am tired at being angry tohaving no ability to stop this hate -- and ihow that unening

compromive to my basic human needs f safety needs effects my funtionality in stressful agreemtns that I should not have to write --I rwefuse to conrunue a game -- you dont' listen tior pay atrention -- so lets take this to a court --- this doci,ent to be first read into the record --- my fonation of defnese -- hold your #Kramobone onto your life --- I do --- and I know I don't tell lies. --- the decl-- that is the ductional I am in as I attempt to fucs and type --- something wrong here -- because of it beig tageted at me --- I can't type or focus this text any more --- it is sent as is -- to show a disorentation caused soly on the email I received from Mr. Price -- in a game ofdecept. ]  

Timothy, Mr Ashley,      Timothy, Mr Prince,  

The content in this reply has crossed over outward expressions

 to whom the I am inferring to be talking to,

The construct to which was not done intentionally..

A condition of my mind, as a person who has the condition of bipolar disorder 

and the needs of a person with this condition to conversational integrity of

trust that any parts of a conversation that a conversation is not being intentionally

 manipulative to the pure spectacle of an imbalance created by an intentional

agenda to not upfront and forthright n their observations of the rational lineage

of what has happened in the order to which it has occurred is in the thinking

the process to which the process of confusion plays itself out to be recognized.

I know my condition of illness much much better than most.  My ID on Facebook

after all, is "InTheMindway" - a reference to the mind and the pathway that the mind

travels or the order to which things occur. A coping mechanism to a condition of my mind

that has been present long before I was actually diagnosed.  I had to give him a bit

of a learning curve with me to his continued holding a distrust in our relationship,

that I was deceptive and lying when these challenges approached.   I don't lie,

I don't intentionally create deception.  I also do not prevaricate and avoid the truth.

I represent a networking construct within this theory design of complete point of view honesty,
as I can be mistaken of course and corrected of course.

But to engage in a manic state where I am not capable of understanding reality or intentionally create a false narrative linage, a fake, a fraud, or a hoax attempt.   It is not within my capability to that endpoint game -- Mr.Ashley points out that I may have Asperger's syndrome -- and in the context, I have considered it --  

 Some are capable of lying (though generally because it is the “logical” thing to do in the situation)

I demand the game that you all in society play be turned off, I m not playing this game anymore.
This game is hurtful and harmful to our greater society in the erosion and digression of trust -- social trust. 
This up gaming, you all lawers do this game as entertainment value to each other,  I am in no way at
level to consent to upmanship games.

This activity of our mind's capable multiple level complexities -- Living life as a game to play with one other when seriousness is lost on it -- as you play with the client's lives in tow under it. That which you think it wise to justify what advantage you can ploy into an argument, outside of the true integrity itself and get away with such deviations of character.

The authenticity of this, how upfront and honest this breaking deviation is portrayed in your response  here 
from the historical truth.

Did I make the substantial local jump to conclude your error --- 

and our error is slowing your character unwise to continue such ploys?

Effective the issuance of this key, [ ],

this game you want to start with me, in disbelief, you are in a binding presence and already in 

checkmate.  I give you no consent to proceed in any fashion-forward with me out of line

of the integrity of the truth.  You know the truth, I know the truth.  Any attempt to change

that the narrative to an altered reality truth is gaslighting and is defined as psychologic abuse,

and is as unprofessional as unprofessional can be.  This to attempt to stop me from the truth 

and holding that absolute truth against you  I will bulldoze over you life circumstances with 

the truth   You are not acting of free independent agency mortal enemy you must proclaim

me before you accept the truth and that we must unite together to fix this -- together we fix this.

For a win-win situation for all of us --- I want my life back you all mother fucking two-faced

bull shitting human excuses of haters -- along with my former classmate attorney.

to the portrait of harassment is my motive, and your assessment that is true is the problem. 

Any logical thinking man, woman or perhaps the child can see the holes in that argument so precise.

My first reply earlier was perfect and I sent it.  It is sent.  The positions of that portion not confused.

=====================================================[ confused to why you all hate me so profoudly so ]--- 

I am not here -- I am a figment of your imagination. 

For you should be really considering me not here -- because I am setting up the necessity ladder climbing'

steps as we speak to walk out of this house forever --- to the resources of the United Nations -- and how

they will take my request seriously -- as a victim of persecution from a source of government-sponsored hate.

I am a refugee -- this house and it's home has never made the legal requirements of the American Disabilities

Act -- to reasonable accommodations --- to my needs of mental health --- to understand what those needs are,

and to fulfill a family blood reasonable choice --- as FAMILY FIRST priorities -- but that is not what is here.

There are no bargaining chips left --- no incentives for me to stay -- the only thing keeping me here beyond 

my time deadline of April 1st 2020 5pm,

is now the National Crisis of the CoronaVirus --- 

I refuse to have to be forced to live under these conditions of insult hurt and a NEVER NEVER EVER EVER
the feeling of being safe --- my safety needs all shot up and scattered into the trash heap  --- dust.

I already made a fax transmission to Dr. Shigeno which violates my restraining order.

I do not want to be here -- I refuse to play along in tit for tat game -- I am done with you all.

I am done with this country -- I would rather be out of this house and in jail to find the next

step on this ladder --- I feel Country-less Mr. Ashley.   Country-less --- It is not a natural feeling

I am not playing any more of this pretense Timothy --- what is happening in this city and beyond

into social services is real -- a family that allows that reality to be true and still not react to join




At this stage in this insult upon my very presence and being -- I would rather find the resource to reach into

The United Nations from jail.than to remain one more hour that I must endure the pain of being under this

roof --- when all in this Driskill Family, friends who cared and then didn't -- you --  as well as the civics of duty and

classmates of former alumni betray my humanity of citizenry.  This all going on and there is any true grit

to maintain a plausible wellness outcome  of sustainable human life under the conditions --- we cannot have

that outcome when there is a continued assault to kill me with kindness -- they are wrong.

When that shift time comes, a settling of the real scope of truth --- that I must be apart from this house

to get the treatment and therapeutic environment I so have been demanding in my tone for change.

Within this house, these unconditional needs for accommodation have not occurred.

Reasonable accommodation for a mental condition and disability

I was a human being have -- I can't apologize to the conditions of insult and offense you all show me.

I am not being unreasonable, overdramatic or anything is written not need to be etched into the 

road and walls of our cyber life  --- it is written.

When time passes after I have left -- and something of another mass shooting happens in

San Bernardino making it a 4th event to occur -- and it was blood spilled that killed someone 

else --- someone else you know --- someone else you really loved --- you will try to find

me -- I will not be available - to come back here -- at all --- I will refuse all attempts at contact

as though I have changed my Identity in some kind of witness protection program.

That is what I must do.

To know the possible future here is a projection possible -- and still, you all hate me.

hate me to death --- and to remedy for the hate in your heart that makes you choose

to run me out of town --- hate me till I am gone from your view --- you hate me so much

si much so much -- and I am the most benevolent one -- wishing no harm to anyone.

I want to save the world or at least of what I see of inner circles of working disorder ---

To find peaceful ways of really building trust that makes a difference in our society.

I have the answers of social mending --- but you won't listen to me --- at any calling standing.

you won't go to commit to this change --- with reasonable and justified rationally motives of

persuasive tools -- at my creation -- you won't go to a different point of view -- you won't change 

to a view of mutual benefactors --- you won't see your errors in thinking --- you have a

the mindset that you are better than me and that my life is a piece of trash to kill and destroy. 

The evident consult truth in all of the journal documentation sitting on my internet

domains -- it is self-evident --- you hate on me  to a point you attempt to run around me,

to manipulate the circumstances unprofessionally representing a skew of disbelief to the 

positions you take against me.

to justify yourself of your irrational minds.

You don't care -- you want me dead and out of your hair. 

I am not delusional -- nor suicidal -- nor homicidal.

I am on an intentional set course pathway of suicide --- this is the path of forced direction persecution,

the players to which are playing some form of mind game against me, to not accept me into rational

reasoning -- a schedule of a future true grit discussion with points of focus and an agenda of resolve

like Doctor Howard issued in his Letter -- that advice from a doctor to the resolution of these matters,

DENIED ACCESS to MY TREATMENT NEEDS left out of my social agency care of material needs,

DENIED ACCESS to what should be naturally given as my "legal capacity" access and self-right of

autonomy.   OUTRIGHT DENIED.

This DENIAL OF MY RIGHTS set forth into my view of the continued collapse of my stability,

 from the leadership powers upon me in civil society roles.

 I can prove in court.  Powers that need a social correction here.

What I seek is so so bad --- to a state of unreasonable demands 

--- for what it is I am DEMANDING HERE

 -- and All I am asking for is a forum of community affairs that is real and true, from this unreliable path of trust,

 to get the gang stalking issue on the table --- to pursue one of them to all of what is technically possible to

get the forensics of weblog tracking into an investigative resource.  To catch one of the perps,

and prosecute one of the perps, covered by the United Nations declarations upon the entire World,

that under the conditions they are haters hating on me.

to the full extent of the law, that after all -- that is a "job task for everyone".

is a "job for everyone".

 the rest of the perps will take heed and notice --- America does not tolerate hate in our communities.

The hate and gangstalking will stop!!

 --- and I can be free of this hate.

But that is not the working paradigm here -- now is it?

For what is true ---  generated by your all in civil society roles of leaderships,

by you, all inaction alone here condones their behavior to continue,

these activities become a fully vetted upside down acceptable condition

that HATE here is intentionally allowed to win.

Prove me wrong otherwise,  GRANT ME A FORUM OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS








 I refuse to be an American Citizen under this hate tyrannical regime that dislodges

further insult to injury -- a dimension of priority to my illness --- to kill me with kindness.

it will take an act of blood to get your mind to work in the correct upright direction.

I am a peace agent with a mission of messaging and true action community wellness

the intention, I am incapable to want to decry that condition of bloody guts into action -- but others will

and continue to do this game to their ending point shoot up everything --- 

one more mass shooting ticker up event -- how many more people have to die to protect

this conspiracy?   The positions as a whole I have on this subject -- and your ceast and 

deist order ---again predictable to a fault of faults I can't describe ---

Take what I know -- everything I have written is a public record -- including this email

once I sen tit -- I am not complying -- You do not have the right to deny my existence

in these terms to my death -- I do not give you the consent to set up an unpenetrable

wall of silence -- as an "informational quarantine"' that does not concede to 

rational give me my rights of "legal capacity" to hold a civic level

meeting to address hate in the community at the advice of the United Nations.

That is the course to which I am demanding -- you are in the course of DEMANDING

a status quo that allows hate to intentionally always win -- really reallly really.

I don't respect such decrees of irrational unprofessionalism -- but there is 
time and a place to CONFRONT this -- and you all are not ready -- more blood and more
the carnage to the public revolt and unrest must occur -- to uproot you out of your powers.

someone you know --and love dearly -- has to been sacrificed before you accept rational 

thinking -- you are under a spell of some kind.  You do not have the capacity independent thinking -- 

you are under the control of some kind of foreign power

that you have surrendered to --- to conduct the unprofessional slate of documented


I bid you Goodluck in all of that --- I DEMAND A NEW PLACE NOT CORRUPTED

I cannot see this world demonization of this memetically active memeplex --

Somewhere rational minds rule -- I want my life back, please!

There will be an attachment link to the published stats letter as filed upon your video

titled YouTube post --- these words were written to work together with the video

This is my last issued public statement first sent private -- the tool of creation here

Contemplate the legality of this :

Using a tool of wordcraft creation is email composer


 if my intention is to publish my words to a full public web indexed view,

in the course of disclosures, they are attempted to subterfuge the process which
is courteous to inform others of publishing the presence of their name references,
 -- and the intention of them is to not receive such declarations of association ID publishing associated reference.

 -- they don't want to know the materials community affairs focus that is filed in their name as I have published?

An obvious irresponsible condition of their mind an upside-down [🙃] or backward thinking.

What is published is not mere speculation or opinion of some kind of madman.  The standard

to which I am using right here and now, is 

"Introduction to Standards V5N1" by Marlon Riggs

There is no standard here being of sound mind here that is unacceptable to receive

and understand my anyone including an attorney attempting to manipulate already

conditions of history to that what I am doing is off-limits to normalcy.

I challenge and protest such an assessment - a High School Debate on the association

referenced materials here -- a discussion to which answers shall be scored by the audience,

to which standards apply --- the need to express the full and complete need to have the reference

to all of these word written should I succumb the oppression of mental stress or perhaps
succumb to a possible CoronoVirus with a condition of a compromised immune system.

This passing virus is deadly --- seriously deadly --- fatally so --- and I have the right

to a day in civil -- to do the right thing here -- no matter what --- I am not hiding in a dark corner

of the internet - making false claims of conspiracy. 

Something wicked this way comes. and is done this way.

This way goes bye bye --- one way or another.

This conflict terminates - immediately -- check mate!
out of your way -- for you to continue

to explain this to no end time --- you don't get that time to consider it your freedom to exploit others to their death.


 to my death I go --= I reuse to lie in a condition of infinite wait --- waiting for the truth to hit you upside your head.

 of absolute insanity -- Behind Blue Eyes says it so plain,

I have to be forced into a condition of slavery -- sell my soul to the creation of massive miracles

 -- to then have to fake it to be free from controversy.  To fit into this idiocracy 

No No No No No No No No No No No Fucking Way


Behind Blue Eyes
No one knows what it's like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes
No one knows what it's like
To be hated
To be fated
To telling only lies
But my dreams
They aren't as empty
As my conscience seems to be
I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance
That's never free
No one knows what it's like
To feel these feelings
Like I do
And I blame you
No one bites back as hard
On their anger
None of my pain and woe
Can show through
But my dreams
They aren't as empty
As my conscience seems to be
I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance
That's never free
When my fist clenches, crack it open
Before I use it and lose my cool
When I smile, tell me some bad news
Before I laugh and act like a fool
And if I swallow anything evil
Put your finger down my throat
And if I shiver, please give me a blanket
Keep me warm, let me wear your coat
No one knows what it's like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Pete Townshend
Behind Blue Eyes lyrics © Spirit Music Group, Downtown Music Publishing

On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 2:52 PM timothy ashley <> wrote:
Maybe you could help out around the house you know , the air ducts needs to be looked after Maybe you can get maybe you can get a hold to write so that they come and actually fix whatever they're supposed to be fixing they need to blow out the vents make sure that they're all connected properly and then they can go if they're supposed to be doing the maintenance otherwise the money has been wasted.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Real Up Human [.net] <>
Date: Wed, Mar 25, 2020, 9:59 AM
Subject: Re: Order #27487 confirmed
To: The Mouse Trap - <>
Cc: Deacon Steve Serembe <>, Timothy @RealUpHuman Kyle Ashley <>, #Timothy.Earl.Marable : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0003 Awesome! <>, <>, Trish Do Dish <>, <>

You may want to EXAMINE EXTREMELY CLOSELY [ Forensically ] This HTTP Served Page from my Internet Domain Storage Memespace Container:



BASE URL:'d%20-%20Order%20%2327487%20confirmed.htm


The Domain Namespace Moniker : ]

WILL DIRECT THE USER REQUEST to this Introduction Layout Page


Counsel for Doctor Eric Tomoni Shigeno in fraudulent motives to file a HARASSMENT and THREATS Claim-- see:

See Also: [ Content TopMost Matches in Google Name Search ] [ Content TOPMOST Matches in Google Name Search ]

Google Search [ Sergeant Lanier Rogers ]

Return Matches to these Source Folder and File Links:

W h e n  Y o u  H a v e  W r a p p e d  Y o u r  H e a d  A r o u n d  T h e  T e c h n o l o g y  A t  Y o u r  D o o r S t e p 

This "tech spec" is active at my internet domain spaces for almost a full 15 long years -- the technology that you are interceding with --- 

COULD I? -- SHOULD I?  and WOULD I?   DARE DO I?  Of course MUST I - ACTIVE I - Memetically Active

See:  OhKindSir
 [ On Soundcloud / Wikiworld ]

intercede into a communication channel and "Lasso rope" someone out of their comfortable standing of isolation --- LASSO ROPE them into a binding knot presence that THEY MUST engage in The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But The Truth, The Absolute Truth, The Absolute Real Up Human Truth, and if there can be such a thing, which I believe that there can be.....

The Absolute, Real Up Human, Moral Truth.

To understand this, you would have to expose yourself to the academia standard that is found in the pages of

Source Paper: [ ]

One of the chapters is titled:

Can Computers Be Moral Agents?

Well, can they?

A tool of peace, trust building, and trust binding, a trust ladder of logistics of informational theory...... 

Google Books Search

[ "In The Mindway" ] - Note My Facebook MemberID


friday, april 30, 1999

In The Mindway

It's the pathway the mind travels that is so sacred.
We are all sharing together so free without hatred.
There are no limits to stop us so no reason to quit.
The universe of happiness & it's discovery is out there;

Let's get on it it's our trip.

posted by martin james driskill 
at 12:01 am


Second Line #Fails -- Without Hatred must be, I demand this standard as directed by the United Nations that Hatred Effects Everyone So Fighting It MUST BE THE JOB for EVERYONE....

Everyone includes you Attorney Former Classmate SBHS Alumni Timothy Prince, that you know me, you know I am smarter than you, and in this level of informational theory scientically active design here --

A PEACE MODEL that can OUT WRONG and RESTORE TRUTH --- TRUTH AFFIRMING and DISHONESTY CONFRONTING --- as each of these are made into corrective means in our cultures and society -- our way out of unstoppable channelization of destructive forced memes that -- if you understand it ---

is actually given a pathway of digital working change in social beliefs.


The question here is 

Do you believe the world is still flat or do you believe the world is round?   You may just be a current day science denier and answer this idiotically 
as you believe the world is flat.  Sorry, that answer is absurd and you need to go back to school.  Actually reprogram yourself to why you believe
such a thing, [ learn some critical thinking skills ], even if you have to start again at 1st grade. This time you go through school and you actually
pay fucking attention!  When you come out of that process, again answer this question based on truth.


Persons that hold FALSE BELIEFS held by whatever REVERENT STRUCTURE of STANDING and that UNTRUTH POINT OF VIEW TRUTH holds as logically not subjective proven to be THIS NEW WAY and those who do not accept these truths,  REPROGRAMMING and REEDUCATION should be STATE MANDATED against any AGE of HUMAN BEING PERSONS that hold these FALSE TRUTHS that actually CAUSE HARM upon other HUMANS!  

On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 7:29 AM Real Up Human [.net] <> wrote:

Search Results

Web results

Sep 6, 2016 - I guarantee that PROTEST of my actions one more time -- from community source leaderships and espiecially Mr. Johnson and this is the ...
You visited this page on 3/11/20.
Oct 17, 2018 - REF: SHAKESPEARE "THE MOUSE TRAP". 09-06-2016 - Gmail - The Mouse-trap. Mice or Men.html. YOU ARE A COWARD TO ALLOW ...

Attorney Prince,

I have ordered a special gift for you --- A Coffee Mug from Urbandictionary.

Accept This Gift Graciously and Accept The Defeat that you have been BESTED by an SBHS class 1883-1983 Classmate ---- The Phoenix Program.

If your ignore mode continues this INSOLENCE INSULT onto my INTELLIGENCE SIR, as I stated, my intentions to remove this informational quarantine that you all have placed against me --- DANGEROUS for you TO CONTINUE ---- no matter what kind of Justification you have been TOLD --- MY LIFE PRESENCE, MY STANDING PRESENT and ACCOUNTED FOR ---- to rise up to this --- has been DRASTICALLY RUINED by ---- THESE CAUSE FACTORS --- A Personal Injury Suit --- a challenge for you to wrap your head around --- I have been placed into a continuous dysfunctional forced direction persecution factors in an 15-year perceptual perpetual state of homelessness.  I am not the only one -- I just have the balls to challenge the notion that you have any moral standing left --- to treat me so badly, so rotten in this town, my hometown, and the roots to which both of us GREW UP.  I own -- Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace ----  I DEMAND TO CONFRONT THESE MATTERS --- THE WORDS THAT ARE SPOKEN OF FROM POPE FRANCIS CALL TO OUR NATION IN FRONT OF CONGRESS IN SEPT 2015 ---- WITH EVERYONE IN THIS FUCKED UP HUMAN TOWN REMORSE OOZING FROM YOUR SOULS TO THE MINDFUL PRESENCE AND BEGGING MY MERCY AND FORGIVENESS for this RATHER WASTE of Digital Spaces that could indeed be used for better runs of need than to break a conspiracy that you all defend to your dying BREATH.

Don't bother to try to excuse your part in this away ---- FUCK YOU ALL HATERS!


1 definition by the IE prince
To press the decline (or ignore) button on your cell phone thus rejecting an incomming phone call even when it's after 9, a weekend or you aint doing something THAT important.
Extra points if you're basil-ing some one who considers you a friend, your pal is in great need or you're doing it while the person is watching from a distance.
1)In da hood
guy1: yo what's hood son? did t-mack call you, he said you and him was gon' talk 'bout some bidness
guy2: yea nicca, he did call but i basil'd his ass
guy1: word?
guy2: brrrrrrr

2)Somewhere in the fine county of England
guy1: Well good evening sir, fancy some tea?
guy2: yes indeed, mate, do you mind if I include Sir Taylor in our gathering?
guy1: No, but I reckon he will basil you
guy2: brrrrrr
#reject #decline #ignore #give the brush off #fuck off
by the IE prince October 08, 2005


Is that your Definition?  If not, what a majestic confluence to place this end game too.   

If you do not comply with my demands, I promise you upon my exit of this country, your reputation as a fair, just, and happy go lucky attorney will be dust.  Let's not make this war --- let's take the truth as I best with deductive reasoning gather and STOP THE FUCKING HATING ON ME for being me, myself, and I --- STOP THE FUCKING HATERS and you begin the right direction to STOP THE MOTHER ASS TIGHT CLAW GRIP OF VIOLENCE that is at the ROOT CAUSE of #MassShootings ---- 

I know what the fuck I am talking about Mr. Prince.  If you were to follow my work around the net, know my writing sound, and actually give a flying fuck about me somehow to #DoSomething right for a fucking change, you would rationalize I have ONE HELLA GREAT CLAIM OF PERSONAL INJURY and I CAN PROVE beyond the preponderance of the evidence the source, the motivations, and the collusion that are maintained here to keep this deep dark seeded secret.  Do you have a conflict of interest that I should be aware of --- if not --- 


Perhaps you know my direct street neighbor to this house of Grande Vista, Kathy and Steve?  He is a catholic attorney, he won't involve himself to honor POPE FRANCIS or the DISINTERESTEDNESS of CHRIST'S SYMPATHY --- what devil has taken your sanity to do this to me and the community members persons living with HIV to JUSTIFY YOUR SILENCE from this point ---- IT IS ALL OPEN, ALL PUBLIC, ALL RAW, and MOST ALL DARK DEEDS -- or as I am not the I in this --- you will have to make that call out to your "I guy"..... and still you won't win the public nightmare that is just about to begin..... 


"Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap"

Dirty Deeds
If you're havin' trouble with the high school head
He's givin' you the blues
You want to graduate but not in 'is bed
Here's what you gotta do
Pick up the phone
I'm always home
Call me any time
Just ring
36 24 36 hey
I lead a life of crime
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap
You got problems in your life of love
You got a broken heart
He's double dealin' with your best friend
That's when the teardrops start, fella
Pick up the phone
I'm here alone
Or make a social call
Come right in
Forget about him
We'll have ourselves a ball
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap
If you got a lady and you want her gone
But you ain't got the guts
She keeps naggin' at you night and day
Enough to drive ya nuts
Pick up the phone
Leave her alone
It's time you made a stand
For a fee
I'm happy to be
Your back door man
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap yeah
Dirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap
Concrete shoes, cyanide, TNT
Done dirt cheap
Neckties, contracts, high voltage
Done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds
Do anything you wanna do
Done dirty cheap
Dirty deeds
Dirty deeds
Dirty deeds
Done dirt cheap
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Angus Young / Malcolm Young / Ronald Belford Scott
Dirty Deeds lyrics © BMG Rights Management


Attorney Prince,


The Following Moniker will be ADDED to CYBERDEINES HERE:      [ Valid URL as we Speak -- Serves Root Directory Contents ]

Jul 11, 2014 - He was an incredibly inspiring fucked-up human being who had profoundly ... As the Master dangles from the cliff, two mice – one white and one black ... But now I see it's too late, we have baited our trap with fossil fuels & now ...


The choice is only ours to make. There are so many other fulfilling ways of looking at our last days on earth than just mourning what we now consider to be inevitable. The life we have now is limited, let us be done with the stigma of suicide and see it as the most likely solution for avoiding needless suffering and start to see it as the sacred act it’s always been.

With that said, let us revel in the peace that Ruppert has now found and truly respect the choice that he made. He was an incredibly inspiring fucked-up human being who had profoundly touched more than his share of lives in any one lifetime. He strove to make this world a better place. Yes, he failed, but then again, so did we.

Let others hold onto the bitter end for whatever reason they feel they must, it makes no difference either way. We’re all just living with different stories in our heads as we circle eternity, where some of us just gravitate towards those here, who share a common unbearable insight and take what solace can be found in the digital commiseration that remains.

We few here, the stragglers on the beach of doom have been washed up like the sand and plastic itself, these days aren’t the headwaters of past generations, as with all things, they have long passed us by. We can’t pretend to live as if the day matters, while living in fear of the financial destitution and death that await. Exercise the stigma of suicide so as to embrace the quietude of the resignation that comes to fill the void, and get on with truly living in the phenomenal time left us.


Going Dark was reviewed recently by Anne Pyterek at Blue Bus Books. Check it out here.

On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 5:26 AM Urban Dictionary <> wrote:

Urban Dictionary

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Urban Dictionary Mug × 1









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3260 Grande Vista
San Bernardino CA 92405
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James Driskill
3260 Grande Vista
San Bernardino CA 92405
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If you have any questions, reply to this email or contact us at

For you should be really considering me not here -- because I am setting up the necessity ladder climbing'

steps as we speak to walk out of this house forever --- to the resources of the United Nations -- and how

they will take my request seriously -- as a victim of persecution from a source of government-sponsored hate.

I am a refugee -- this house and it's home has never made the legal requirements of the American Disabilities

Act -- to reasonable accommodations --- to my needs of mental health --- to understand what those needs are,

and to fulfill a family blood reasonable choice --- as FAMILY FIRST priorities -- but that is not what is here.

There are no bargaining chips left --- no incentives for me to stay -- the only thing keeping me here beyond 

my time deadline of April 1st 2020 5pm,

is now the National Crisis of the CoronaVirus --- 

I refuse to have to be forced to live under these conditions of insult hurt and a NEVER NEVER EVER EVER
the feeling of being safe --- my safety needs all shot up and scattered into the trash heap  --- dust.

I already made a fax transmission to Dr. Shigeno which violates my restraining order.

I do not want to be here -- I refuse to play along in tit for tat game -- I am done with you all.

I am done with this country -- I would rather be out of this house and in jail to find the next

step on this ladder --- I feel Country-less Mr. Ashley.   Country-less --- It is not a natural feeling

I am not playing any more of this pretense Timothy --- what is happening in this city and beyond

into social services is real -- a family that allows that reality to be true and still not react to join




At this stage in this insult upon my very presence and being -- I would rather find the resource to reach into

The United Nations from jail.than to remain one more hour that I must endure the pain of being under this

roof --- when all in this Driskill Family, friends who cared and then didn't -- you --  as well as the civics of duty and

classmates of former alumni betray my humanity of citizenry.  This all going on and there is any true grit

to maintain a plausible wellness outcome  of sustainable human life under the conditions --- we cannot have

that outcome when there is a continued assault to kill me with kindness -- they are wrong.

When that shift time comes, a settling of the real scope of truth --- that I must be apart of this house

to get the treatment and therapeutic environment I so have been demanding in my tone for change

in this house has not occurred --- the reasonable accommodation for a mental condition and disability

I was a human being have -- I can't apologize to the conditions of insult and offense you all show me.

I am not being unreasonable, overdramatic or anything is written not need to be etched into the 

road and walls of our cyber life  --- it is written.

When time passes after I have left -- and something of another mass shooting happens in

San Bernardino making it a 4th event to occur -- and it was blood spilled that killed someone 

else --- someone else you know --- someone else you really loved --- you will try to find

me -- I will not be available - to come back here -- at all --- I will refuse all attempts at contact

as though I have changed my Identity in some kind of witness protection program.

That is what I must do.

To know the possible future here is a projection possible -- and still, you all hate me.

hate me to death --- and to remedy for the hate in your heart that makes you choose

to run me out of town --- hate me till I am gone from your view --- you hate me so much

si much so much -- and I am the most benevolent one -- wishing no harm to anyone.

I want to save the world or at least of what I see of inner circles of working disorder ---

 to find

peaceful ways of really building trust that makes a difference in our society.

I have the answers of social mending --- but you won't listen to me --- at any calling standing.

you won't go to commit to this change --- with reasonable and justified rationally motives of

persuasive tools -- at my creation -- you won't go to a different point of view -- you won't change 

to a view of mutual benefactors --- you won't see your errors in thinking --- you have a

the mindset that you are better than me and that my life is a piece of trash to kill and destroy. 

The evident consult truth in all of the journal documentation sitting on my internet

domains -- it is self-evident --- you hate on me  to a point you attempt to run around me,

to manipulate the circumstances unprofessionally representing a skew of disbelief to the 

positions you take against me.

to justify yourself of your irrational minds.

You don't care -- you want me dead and out of your hair. 

I am not delusional -- nor suicidal -- nor homicidal.

I am on an intentional set course pathway of suicide --- this is the path of forced direction persecution,

the players to which are playing some form of mind game against me, to not accept me into rational

reasoning -- a schedule of a future true grit discussion with points of focus and an agenda of resolve

like Doctor Howard issued in his Letter -- that advice from a doctor to the resolution of these matters,

DENIED ACCESS to MY TREATMENT NEEDS left out of my social agency care of material needs,

DENIED ACCESS to what should be naturally given as my "legal capacity" access and self-right of

autonomy.   OUTRIGHT DENIED.

This DENIAL OF MY RIGHTS set forth into my view of the continued collapse of my stability,

 from the leadership powers upon me in civil society roles.

 I can prove in court.  Powers that need a social correction here.

What I seek is so so bad --- to a state of unreasonable demands 

--- for what it is I am DEMANDING HERE

 -- and All I am asking for is a forum of community affairs that is real and true, from this unreliable path of trust,

 to get the gang stalking issue on the table --- to pursue one of them to all of what is technically possible to

get the forensics of weblog tracking into an investigative resource.  To catch one of the perps,

and prosecute one of the perps, covered by the United Nations declarations upon the entire World,

that under the conditions they are haters hating on me.

to the full extent of the law, that after all -- that is a "job task for everyone".

is a "job for everyone".

 the rest of the perps will take heed and notice --- America does not tolerate hate in our communities.

The hate and gangstalking will stop!!

 --- and I can be free of this hate.

But that is not the working paradigm here -- now it si?

For what is true ---  generated by your all in civil society roles of leaderships,

by your, all inaction alone here condones their behavior to continue,

these activities become a fully vetted upside down acceptable condition

that HATE here is intentionally allowed to win.

Prove me wrong otherwise,  GRANT ME A FORUM OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS








 I refuse to be an American Citizen under this hate tyrannical regime that dislodges

further insult to injury -- a dimension of priority to my illness --- to kill me with kindness.

it will take an act of blood to get your mind to work in the correct upright direction.

I am a peace agent with a mission of messaging and true action community wellness

the intention, I am incapable to want to decry that condition into action -- but others will

and continue to do this game to their ending point shoot up everything --- 

one more mass shooting ticker up event -- how many more people have to die to protect

this conspiracy?   The positions as a whole I have on this subject -- and your ceast and 

deist order ---again predictable to a fault of faults I can't describe ---

Take what I know -- everything I have written is a public record -- including this email

once I sen tit -- I am not complying -- You do not have the right to deny my existence

in these terms to my death -- I do not give you the content to set up an unpenetrable

wall of silence -- as an "informational quarantine"' that does not concede to 

rational give me my rights of "legal capacity" to hold a civic level

meeting to address hate in the community at the advice of the United Nations.

That is the course to which I am demanding -- you are in the course of DEMANDING

a status quo that allows hate to intentionally always win -- really reallly really.

I don't respect such decrees of irrational unprofessionalism -- but there is 
time and a place to CONFRONT this -- and you all are not ready -- more blood and more
the carnage to the public revolt and unrest must occur -- to uproot you out of your powers.

some you know --and love dearly -- has to been sacrificed before you accept rational 

thinking -- you are under a spell of some kind.  You do not have the capacity of independent thinking -- you are under the control of some kind of foreign power

that you have surrendered to --- to conduct the unprofessional slate of documented


I bid you Goodluck in all of that --- I DEMAND A NEW PLACE NOT CORRUPTED

I cannot see this world demonization of this memetically active memeplex --

Somewhere rational minds rule -- I want my life back please!

On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 2:52 PM timothy ashley <> wrote:
Maybe you could help out around the house you know , the air ducts needs to be looked after Maybe you can get maybe you can get a hold to write so that they come and actually fix whatever they're supposed to be fixing they need to blow out the vents make sure that they're all connected properly and then they can go if they're supposed to be doing the maintenance otherwise the money has been wasted.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Real Up Human [.net] <>
Date: Wed, Mar 25, 2020, 9:59 AM
Subject: Re: Order #27487 confirmed
To: The Mouse Trap - <>
Cc: Deacon Steve Serembe <>, Timothy @RealUpHuman Kyle Ashley <>, #Timothy.Earl.Marable : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0003 Awesome! <>, <>, Trish Do Dish <>, <>

You may want to EXAMINE EXTREMELY CLOSELY [ Forensically ] This HTTP Served Page from my Internet Domain Storage Memespace Container:



BASE URL:'d%20-%20Order%20%2327487%20confirmed.htm


The Domain Namespace Moniker :

[ ]

WILL DIRECT THE USER REQUEST to this Introduction Layout Page


Counsel for Doctor Eric Tomoni Shigeno in fraudulent motives to file a HARASSMENT and THREATS Claim-- see:

See Also: [ Content TopMost Matches in Google Name Search ] [ Content TOPMOST Matches in Google Name Search ]

Google Search [ Sergeant Lanier Rogers ]

Return Matches to these Source Folder and File Links:

W h e n  Y o u  H a v e  W r a p p e d  Y o u r  H e a d  A r o u n d  T h e  T e c h n o l o g y  A t  Y o u r  D o o r S t e p

This "tech spec" is active at my internet domain spaces for almost a full 15 long years -- the technology that you are interceding with ---

COULD I? -- SHOULD I?  and WOULD I?   DARE DO I?  Of course MUST I - ACTIVE I - Memetically Active

See:  OhKindSir
 [ On Soundcloud / Wikiworld ]

intercede into a communication channel and "Lasso rope" someone out of their comfortable standing of isolation --- LASSO ROPE them into a binding knot presence that THEY MUST engage in The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But The Truth, The Absolute Truth, The Absolute Real Up Human Truth, and if there can be such a thing, which I believe that there can be.....

The Absolute, Real Up Human, Moral Truth.

To understand this, you would have to expose yourself to the academia standard that is found in the pages of

Source Paper: [ ]

One of the chapters is titled:

Can Computers Be Moral Agents?

Well, can they?

A tool of peace, trust building, and trust binding, a trust ladder of logistics of informational theory......

Google Books Search

[ "In The Mindway" ] - Note My Facebook MemberID


friday, april 30, 1999

In The Mindway

It's the pathway the mind travels that is so sacred.
We are all sharing together so free without hatred.
There are no limits to stop us so no reason to quit.
The universe of happiness & it's discovery is out there;

Let's get on it it's our trip.

posted by martin james driskill
at 12:01 am


Second Line #Fails -- Without Hatred must be, I demand this standard as directed by the United Nations that Hatred Effects Everyone So Fighting It MUST BE THE JOB for EVERYONE....

Everyone includes you Attorney Former Classmate SBHS Alumni Timothy Prince, that you know me, you know I am smarter than you, and in this level of informational theory scientically active design here --

A PEACE MODEL that can OUT WRONG and RESTORE TRUTH --- TRUTH AFFIRMING and DISHONESTY CONFRONTING --- as each of these are made into corrective means in our cultures and society -- our way out of unstoppable channelization of destructive forced memes that -- if you understand it ---

is actually given a pathway of digital working change in social beliefs.


The question here is

Do you believe the world is still flat or do you believe the world is round?   You may just be a current day science denier and answer this idiotically
as you believe the world is flat.  Sorry, that answer is absurd and you need to go back to school.  Actually reprogram yourself to why you believe
such a thing, [ learn some critical thinking skills ], even if you have to start again at 1st grade. This time you go through school and you actually
pay fucking attention!  When you come out of that process, again answer this question based on truth.


Persons that hold FALSE BELIEFS held by whatever REVERENT STRUCTURE of STANDING and that UNTRUTH POINT OF VIEW TRUTH holds as logically not subjective proven to be THIS NEW WAY and those who do not accept these truths,  REPROGRAMMING and REEDUCATION should be STATE MANDATED against any AGE of HUMAN BEING PERSONS that hold these FALSE TRUTHS that actually CAUSE HARM upon other HUMANS!  

On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 7:29 AM Real Up Human [.net] <> wrote:

Search Results

Web results

Sep 6, 2016 - I guarantee that PROTEST of my actions one more time -- from community source leaderships and espiecially Mr. Johnson and this is the ...
You visited this page on 3/11/20.
Oct 17, 2018 - REF: SHAKESPEARE "THE MOUSE TRAP". 09-06-2016 - Gmail - The Mouse-trap. Mice or Men.html. YOU ARE A COWARD TO ALLOW ...

Attorney Prince,

I have ordered a special gift for you --- A Coffee Mug from Urbandictionary.

Accept This Gift Graciously and Accept The Defeat that you have been BESTED by an SBHS class 1883-1983 Classmate ---- The Phoenix Program.

If your ignore mode continues this INSOLENCE INSULT onto my INTELLIGENCE SIR, as I stated, my intentions to remove this informational quarantine that you all have placed against me --- DANGEROUS for you TO CONTINUE ---- no matter what kind of Justification you have been TOLD --- MY LIFE PRESENCE, MY STANDING PRESENT and ACCOUNTED FOR ---- to rise up to this --- has been DRASTICALLY RUINED by ---- THESE CAUSE FACTORS --- A Personal Injury Suit --- a challenge for you to wrap your head around --- I have been placed into a continuous dysfunctional forced direction persecution factors in an 15-year perceptual perpetual state of homelessness.  I am not the only one -- I just have the balls to challenge the notion that you have any moral standing left --- to treat me so badly, so rotten in this town, my hometown, and the roots to which both of us GREW UP.  I own -- Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace ----  I DEMAND TO CONFRONT THESE MATTERS --- THE WORDS THAT ARE SPOKEN OF FROM POPE FRANCIS CALL TO OUR NATION IN FRONT OF CONGRESS IN SEPT 2015 ---- WITH EVERYONE IN THIS FUCKED UP HUMAN TOWN REMORSE OOZING FROM YOUR SOULS TO THE MINDFUL PRESENCE AND BEGGING MY MERCY AND FORGIVENESS for this RATHER WASTE of Digital Spaces that could indeed be used for better runs of need than to break a conspiracy that you all defend to your dying BREATH.

Don't bother to try to excuse your part in this away ---- FUCK YOU ALL HATERS!


1 definition by the IE prince
To press the decline (or ignore) button on your cell phone thus rejecting an incomming phone call even when it's after 9, a weekend or you aint doing something THAT important.
Extra points if you're basil-ing some one who considers you a friend, your pal is in great need or you're doing it while the person is watching from a distance.
1)In da hood
guy1: yo what's hood son? did t-mack call you, he said you and him was gon' talk 'bout some bidness
guy2: yea nicca, he did call but i basil'd his ass
guy1: word?
guy2: brrrrrrr

2)Somewhere in the fine county of England
guy1: Well good evening sir, fancy some tea?
guy2: yes indeed, mate, do you mind if I include Sir Taylor in our gathering?
guy1: No, but I reckon he will basil you
guy2: brrrrrr
#reject #decline #ignore #give the brush off #fuck off
by the IE prince October 08, 2005


Is that your Definition?  If not, what a majestic confluence to place this end game too.  

If you do not comply with my demands, I promise you upon my exit of this country, your reputation as a fair, just, and happy go lucky attorney will be dust.  Let's not make this war --- let's take the truth as I best with deductive reasoning gather and STOP THE FUCKING HATING ON ME for being me, myself, and I --- STOP THE FUCKING HATERS and you begin the right direction to STOP THE MOTHER ASS TIGHT CLAW GRIP OF VIOLENCE that is at the ROOT CAUSE of #MassShootings ----

I know what the fuck I am talking about Mr. Prince.  If you were to follow my work around the net, know my writing sound, and actually give a flying fuck about me somehow to #DoSomething right for a fucking change, you would rationalize I have ONE HELLA GREAT CLAIM OF PERSONAL INJURY and I CAN PROVE beyond the preponderance of the evidence the source, the motivations, and the collusion that are maintained here to keep this deep dark seeded secret.  Do you have a conflict of interest that I should be aware of --- if not ---


Perhaps you know my direct street neighbor to this house of Grande Vista, Kathy and Steve?  He is a catholic attorney, he won't involve himself to honor POPE FRANCIS or the DISINTERESTEDNESS of CHRIST'S SYMPATHY --- what devil has taken your sanity to do this to me and the community members persons living with HIV to JUSTIFY YOUR SILENCE from this point ---- IT IS ALL OPEN, ALL PUBLIC, ALL RAW, and MOST ALL DARK DEEDS -- or as I am not the I in this --- you will have to make that call out to your "I guy"..... and still you won't win the public nightmare that is just about to begin.....


"Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap"

Dirty Deeds
If you're havin' trouble with the high school head
He's givin' you the blues
You want to graduate but not in 'is bed
Here's what you gotta do
Pick up the phone
I'm always home
Call me any time
Just ring
36 24 36 hey
I lead a life of crime
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap
You got problems in your life of love
You got a broken heart
He's double dealin' with your best friend
That's when the teardrops start, fella
Pick up the phone
I'm here alone
Or make a social call
Come right in
Forget about him
We'll have ourselves a ball
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap
If you got a lady and you want her gone
But you ain't got the guts
She keeps naggin' at you night and day
Enough to drive ya nuts
Pick up the phone
Leave her alone
It's time you made a stand
For a fee
I'm happy to be
Your back door man
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap yeah
Dirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap
Concrete shoes, cyanide, TNT
Done dirt cheap
Neckties, contracts, high voltage
Done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds
Do anything you wanna do
Done dirty cheap
Dirty deeds
Dirty deeds
Dirty deeds
Done dirt cheap
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Angus Young / Malcolm Young / Ronald Belford Scott
Dirty Deeds lyrics © BMG Rights Management


Attorney Prince,


The Following Moniker will be ADDED to CYBERDEINES HERE:      [ Valid URL as we Speak -- Serves Root Directory Contents ]

Jul 11, 2014 - He was an incredibly inspiring fucked-up human being who had profoundly ... As the Master dangles from the cliff, two mice – one white and one black ... But now I see it's too late, we have baited our trap with fossil fuels & now ...


The choice is only ours to make. There are so many other fulfilling ways of looking at our last days on earth than just mourning what we now consider to be inevitable. The life we have now is limited, let us be done with the stigma of suicide and see it as the most likely solution for avoiding needless suffering and start to see it as the sacred act it’s always been.

With that said, let us revel in the peace that Ruppert has now found and truly respect the choice that he made. He was an incredibly inspiring fucked-up human being who had profoundly touched more than his share of lives in any one lifetime. He strove to make this world a better place. Yes, he failed, but then again, so did we.

Let others hold onto the bitter end for whatever reason they feel they must, it makes no difference either way. We’re all just living with different stories in our heads as we circle eternity, where some of us just gravitate towards those here, who share a common unbearable insight and take what solace can be found in the digital commiseration that remains.

We few here, the stragglers on the beach of doom have been washed up like the sand and plastic itself, these days aren’t the headwaters of past generations, as with all things, they have long passed us by. We can’t pretend to live as if the day matters, while living in fear of the financial destitution and death that await. Exercise the stigma of suicide so as to embrace the quietude of the resignation that comes to fill the void, and get on with truly living in the phenomenal time left us.


Going Dark was reviewed recently by Anne Pyterek at Blue Bus Books. Check it out here.

On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 5:26 AM Urban Dictionary <> wrote:

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