James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>

Stalking Tactics - You must have a cross over onto #Gangstalking - I have a community affairs concern
1 message

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Mon, Apr 6, 2020 at 5:18 PM
To: baltimore@rocainc.com
Cc: "The Mouse Trap : attorney-timothy-peter-prince.fuckeduphuman.net - Not A Joke - Not To Harass - To Induse An Honest Response - The Game Is Over" <tprince@tprincelaw.com>, Attorney Dale Henderson - Case#CIV DS 1921276 <44SWash@gmail.com>, "This is BAR BUSINESS [ Attorney-Dale-Lee-Henderson@FuckedUpHuman.Net & perhaps the judge named too ]" <bar@sbcba.org>, SupervisorGonzales@sbcounty.gov, Time To Clarify - I MUST RENOUNCE BY UNITED STATES NATIONALITY AND CHANGE TO A CONSCIENCE COUNTRY THAT DOES NOT ALLOW THE HATERS TO ALWAYS INTENTIONALLY WIN <enable@un.org>, "Judge Wilfred John Schneider Jr (See Truthfinder Report)" <wilfred_schneider@eee.org>, "Fools Said I : Sergeant Lanier Joseph Rogers III" <ljrbabe@yahoo.com>, tim <pedroputup@gmail.com>, Jim Whitescarver <jimscarver@gmail.com>, "Dr. Jonathan Mermin : I-Know-What-You-Did : I-Have-No-Hiv-Care-Doctor : #HivUntreatable : Because Of Corrupt Doctors From Local To The Top --- #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP" <jhm7@cdc.gov>, "HP2030 (HHS/OASH)" <HP2030@hhs.gov>, "from: Deacon Steve Serembe" <sserembe@sbdiocese.org>, Angela Keady <angelak@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, Chief Executive Officer Darrell J Vigil MBA <darrell.vigil@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, Jennifer Brehme <jemhe8@gmail.com>, jennifer@fapinfo.org, "Michael R. Maynard : Client Advocate of James Driskill" <mmaynard@fapinfo.org>, timothy.noonan@hhs.gov, cdcinfo@cdc.gov, "Dr. Alexandra Levitt" <acl0@cdc.gov>, "Bonnie @realuphuman:#Nsoromma-Guardianship @gruwup Flippin - Administrative Supervisor : [ webdomains/@/dph.sbcounty.gov/PublicHealth-[Ryan-White-Program]" <BFlippin@dph.sbcounty.gov>, "Allan Horwtiz - Law Offices of Todd Rothbard : @FuckedUpHuman" <office@toddrothbardlaw.com>, "Gibson, John" <jgibson@cdop.org>, kelsy@miveylaw.com, "Shannon Southall [ @FuckedUpHuman.net ]" <srsouthall@gmail.com>, Cinamon 'The Spice Of Life To Makes Nice' Romeo <cinamon@rockymountaincares.org>, Darrell Johnson <Darrell.Johnson1@q.com>, David Driskill <Darthbongwater@gmail.com>, Dennis Driskill <svtcobraman@aol.com>, Cameron Grant - CAP Denver My Client Assigned Case Manager#4 <Cameron.Grant@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, "Doctor Mubashir Farooqi - Patient: James Martin Driskill" <Mubashir.farooqi@inlandpsych.com>, Melissa Guerrero & Clayton Advocacy for James M Driskill <DBHRBEST@dbh.sbcounty.gov>, TruthFinder Help <help@truthfinder.com>, help@myhivteam.com, help@glassdoor.com, "Andrew Spieldenner Phd : Poz Blog Writer" <aspieldenner@gmail.com>, website@poz.com

Dear Roca,

I have been introduced to your community empowerment by way of the TedTalk Title:


My name is James Martin Driskill and I currently live in San Bernardino California, my hometown.

I am age 54 and I have a great disturbing story to tell.

I have had to relocate and return to the family childhood home in my hometown and neighborhood that I grew up in since I was age 5.

This has been the 3rd time that I have had this dysfunctional recycled living from collapses of my independent housing

options in my personal life in a perpetual state of homelessness for over 15 years.  This has not been my actual direct fault for these

conditions that have collapsed my independent housing residencies as I have traveled in and through different regional areas of the

country as a person living with the infection of HIV/AIDS since my first infected status in September of 1999.  

I hear in the Roca video playing, "Get Your Life Together School" as you relate a community empowerment model successfully

functioning in your communities.

What this brings into reference on my side of attempts of community empowerment is that in Denver, I attempted a startup

project of an "adult consent thought and practices school" community empowerment interface to members of the community.

See YouTube [ Highlighted Comment ] on the topic of the startup, building upward, and the collapse of this school

project from the source of these interfering efforts of community leaderships of the HIV community.

A profound statement is presented in your video playing as I write,

Roca relates, "once we get a hold of you, we don't let go", you say this video presentation titled above.

Well, here is where I am going to put you to a challenge.  I have absolutely no regional areas off-limits for relocation back into a 

proper, stable, and independent living as a person living with HIV/AIDS in the United States.  I must be living free of being a targeted

individual of #GangStalking that has interfered hate, harassment, and retaliating efforts to oust me out of the community.

AND WHATSOEVER is the TRUTH, that should I choose the regional area in Maryland that your organization has operating

establishment, that I would have a community resource to reach up into to #StopGangStalking and identify and terminate the

source of this illegal activities that law enforcement and city and county leaderships will not engage involvement here -- they refuse

to respond to my calling action of these matters.    This started in 2005 in Oakland CA and the matter of negative hate activities

targeting me has traveled with me each and every regional move I have made in my attempt to find a suitable and happy life
to make newly established interfaces of healthcare relationships of HIV Doctors In the care of my disease, 

network outward in the community to find friends and enjoyable social calendar activities, and to generally 

have a function that supports the well being of my life presence.  This instead of what is apparent, this hate faction that is working against 

the tide of any and all decency has been successful to ruin my life and continues to be a condition of our society that is allowed to 

remain present and condoned to operate.

This allowance has caused personal hardships in my life.  

This includes broken friendships, life personal properties scattered into storage units, long-distance moving trucks, the

costs to which are extensive onto my life.  The quality of my life is just not on par with normalcy.


There Is something extremely working upside down [ 🙃 ] from the rational focused effort on my side to help the gay African

American male internal of the HIV/AIDS communities that I have interfaced to social services inside these regional to regional areas

that has ended up initiating hate targeting me.

I believe that the cause of the statistics that are related in this New York magazine article is directly caused by this hate

conspiracy that I have convincing realism of unbelievable truth to the source of this hate, dysfunction, and disservice in the HIV communities.

The evidence I hold the knowledge to share, I did not write such truth.

Please, do not shoot the messenger of this realism.

The truth here is at the level of the preponderance of the evidence shows [ more likely true than not true ], that the

social services network of the originally structured organizations authorized into operation by the Ryan White Care Act in 1990

have a secret hidden agenda that has been carried out against the commons of the entire American Society and

individually against the commons of a supportive care function life interface for persons living with HIV/AIDS in

The United States of America.

Screenshot 2020-04-06 at 12.43.33 PM - Display 1.png

Do you see what the subline of this article relates to?

Why do America's black gay and bisexual men have a higher H.I.V. rate than any country in the world?

In the world, Roca.  In the world.

If I can get the full and completely responsible and respectful considerations of the community leaderships that

I have chosen to contact and engage in the San Bernardino area here '[ addressed in this email CC ], where the 

#GangStalking efforts that have targeted me for 15 years continues to a presence that is interfering in my current 2020 day life.

I have no interfaces to social services and I have no HIV doctor assigned to the care of my disease because of none of these

resources can establish and maintain an honest relationship standing with me and inside the presence of my life.

I have absolutely nothing holding me here but pure insult and injury to my life --- and a full disregard to the

history of contributions and work effort that I have made to these cities computer literacy back when I was 18.

They disregard my needs individually and has history states, they disregard me as a native-born resident of

San Bernardino which holds long term family presence and ties into this very very very dysfunctionally 

body politic working in this city and county of San Bernardino including the local interfaces to law enforcement

of the police and county sheriff's departments.

If I were to choose your region as a new possibility to rebuild a home presence again in my life, it would only be a choice against

actually heading to the United Nations to establish the process to which I MUST RENOUNCE my UNITED




As I was saying, if I can get the involvements of the contacts in this email to establish a teleconferencing community affairs

meeting to stopping this hate in this community, I would like your remote witness presence that this meeting time and topics working focus

talking points has been set into motion and that such agenda corrections actually take hold into change instead of more delay.

In other words, I do not have trust in the established leaderships of this regional service area of the Ryan White Care act

along with the city leaderships being called upon and seated here, WITH VERY GOOD REASON TO HOLD THIS POINT OF VIEW.

In other words, as I need a reassuring pressure here to put upon them here to actually #DoSomething right here for a change,

I am inviting you to be a part of this focused community leadership team's purpose...

 --- as fighting hate is the job for everyone, 

Would you please respond and if you would like more direct evidence on the subject a conspiracy that has to be determined to exist
and must be terminated, see social media tags under:




Thank you,

James Martin Driskill
3260 Grande Vista
San Bernardino CA 92405

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